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Will this be fine

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Hi, I am soon going to buy a Juwel Rio 350 tank (90 gal) to house 7 discus fish. The tank comes with a sponge filter and a power head which pumps out 1000lph while the tank is 350l. Will this be okay for discus fish? For anymore info needed look up the tank and you will find everything you need there. Thank you

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I've never kept discus, but with my community tanks I try to have at least 5x turnover. The power head which comes with the tank is only about 3x turnover, and so its up to you to judge whether the sponge filter makes up for that extra 2x. I know that discus also require much more clean water than other fish and so I doubt that just one sponge filter would be enough to keep the water clean enough. I think that most discus keepers use canister filters or even sumps to keep up with the maintenance needs of them.

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