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Corydoras Paleatus Temperature

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I have peppered Cory in my new 75g tank and despite adjusting the heater to 74F, the ACO heater I have in the other corner (mostly for temp reading) still shows the tank at 78F. My question is will the Peppered Corys be ok at that temp?

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Hello! I don't know much about the Co Op heater, but do you use another thermometer (not associated with a heater) in the tank to verify temperature? I like electronic meat thermometers to double check my tank temps.

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On 4/3/2024 at 7:10 PM, cmo1922 said:

Hello! I don't know much about the Co Op heater, but do you use another thermometer (not associated with a heater) in the tank to verify temperature? I like electronic meat thermometers to double check my tank temps.

I have a floating thermometer in there already and wasn’t sure if it was reading accurately, so just stuck a spare co op heater in there just to have another source. But they both are reading 78F

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Paleatus ca handle up to low 80’s. So you’re good 

inkbird makes a good heater controller with it’s own temperature controller. Supposed to be great 

Edited by Tony s
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On 4/3/2024 at 8:04 PM, Tony s said:

Paleatus ca handle up to low 80’s. So you’re good 

inkbird makes a good heater controller with it’s own temperature controller. Supposed to be great 

Thanks! I just wanted to make sure they weren’t going to be too warm!

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On 4/3/2024 at 8:07 PM, FLFishChik said:

Thanks! I just wanted to make sure they weren’t going to be too warm!

Mine are in a community. They do great in community temps 

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My understanding is this is the top end temp for them. They do prefer lower temps but can tolerate this. It's not ideal to top out a temp for a species but I believe it could work. I wouldn't think you'll run into issues. 

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On 4/4/2024 at 1:51 AM, Cinnebuns said:

My understanding is this is the top end temp for them

They can handle up to 82 down to 72 by one breeder. 78 would be perfect.

ooh, this one has a bunch of inconsistent ranges. One breeder says 72-82. Another says 65-76. And it’s not just those breeders. There’s a ton of breeders saying both things. But mine are doing good at 78. 

Edited by Tony s
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On 4/4/2024 at 1:11 AM, Tony s said:

They can handle up to 82 down to 72 by one breeder. 78 would be perfect.

ooh, this one has a bunch of inconsistent ranges. One breeder says 72-82. Another says 65-76. And it’s not just those breeders. There’s a ton of breeders saying both things. But mine are doing good at 78. 

Paleatus cories are a temperate fish so 82 is too high. They are commonly used in colder tanks. 

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On 4/4/2024 at 4:51 AM, FLFishChik said:

So, should I try and lower the temp then

You absolutely could. Easily down to 74. Save some stress, and some money 😀


On 4/4/2024 at 2:58 AM, Cinnebuns said:

Paleatus cories are a temperate fish so 82 is too high

I didn’t say I would raise them that way. But I can find at least 6 growers (not importers) that say it’s okay. As far as I know there are only 2 Corys that can handle high heat. One being sterbais. Most can handle 78. Maybe 3-4 that can’t. 

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Hi @FLFishChik! It depends on your stocking and the ambient temp of your house but you may not need a heater. My house ranges between 68-78F depending on the season, and I keep all 3 of my tanks unheated. The seasonality brings out some different behaviors in your fish depending on time of year. For example, at 78F you may not see much spawning behavior in your peppered cories, but if you let the tank get to 68-70F you may start to get a lot of spawns! Many tetras and catfish will also do fine at these temps. I see from your journal you have kuhli loaches, I have not kept them so I cannot provide recommendations there.

I know some fish are traditionally not supposed to be kept at these lower ranges, but I keep fish like honey gourami and platies in water temps as low as 68F in winter and they seem to do fine. My single cockatoo apistogramma is fine too. I do suggest keeping a heater around for emergencies or if u need to treat ich. Treating ich in a tank kept at 68F is not fun...

Just a thought if you decide you don't like heaters! Personally they scare me and it is just one more thing to plug in!

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On 4/4/2024 at 8:09 AM, cmo1922 said:

but if you let the tank get to 68-70F

the problem there. the tetras are not going to like 68. but a constant 72 would be great, and very cheap.


On 4/4/2024 at 8:09 AM, cmo1922 said:

My house ranges between 68-78F

you can handle the 68? working outside all winter long, i sure cant. my warming up ability is long gone at the end of the day.🤣


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On 4/4/2024 at 10:01 AM, Tony s said:

the problem there. the tetras are not going to like 68. but a constant 72 would be great, and very cheap.


you can handle the 68? working outside all winter long, i sure cant. my warming up ability is long gone at the end of the day.🤣


lol, I’m in central Florida.. my house stays a constant 69F either a/c in summer or heat in winter. Congo tetras and Lemon tetras gonna need a heater😂

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On 4/4/2024 at 10:34 AM, FLFishChik said:

my house stays a constant 69F either a/c in summer or heat in winter

OMG I would freeze in the summer. being outside all day in the low 90's and then coming into that. Brrr

My daughter had national gymnastics in New Orleans last year. I was more comfortable outside in the heat. almost needed a jacket inside🤣

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On 4/4/2024 at 1:11 AM, Tony s said:

. . . ooh, this one has a bunch of inconsistent ranges. One breeder says 72-82. Another says 65-76. And it’s not just those breeders. There’s a ton of breeders saying both things. But mine are doing good at 78. 

This reinforces my belief that many fish don't need the narrow range of temperatures that many people struggle to maintain.

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