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Camallanus worms


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Found out a few days ago that my fish have camallanus worms. I'm able to get the medication in a weeks time so in the meantime I am going to be feeding my fish Daphnia (also picked up some Cyclops) as I have heard it acts as a natural laxative. I have 6 guppies, 1 honey gourami, some shrimp and 6 cory habrosus. My question is am I okay to feed one cube of daphnia a day for maybe 2-4 weeks, or could that hurt the fish? Also am I okay to use daphnia and cyclops as their normal daily food for even when they aren't ill, or should I only use it until I get rid of the worms? Thanks

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On 3/23/2024 at 6:25 PM, Guppysnail said:

For the duration of the illness just using those foods is fine.  Limiting their long term diet to that could cause nutritional deficiencies due to lack of variety to obtain all they need. 

So when the illness is cured, maybe stick to frozen 1-2 times a week and apart from that normal flakes or pellets?

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On 3/23/2024 at 2:30 PM, Cjbear087 said:

So when the illness is cured, maybe stick to frozen 1-2 times a week and apart from that normal flakes or pellets?

I mix it up with live, frozen and commercial.  No food has everything but a bunch of different foods usually cover all the bases. 

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