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Is this parasite indicative behavior?


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- pH: 7

- 0 Ammonia, Nitrites, and Nitrates

- KH: 150 ppm

I just put that anubias and a couple other plants in 2 days ago, and now my platy is doing this odd motion against it and I’m worried it could be parasites. I can’t visibly discern any parasites on his skin, but he has been doing this once or twice every ten or twenty minutes.

Forgot the water temperature! It’s 78 on average. 

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It's highly unlikely that your plants bought in parasites it can happen you wouldn't see any symptoms in two days  it  can take a couple weeks for parasite to get a level were you would see symptoms in your fish other thing can cause flashing such as poor water quality such as ammonia or nitrite cholrine do you use a water dechlorinator when doing water changes low GH or  KH your KH is fine have you added any new fish in last month how you noticed any other symptoms such as rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy spitting food out sunken belly white stringy poop @buildingaqua

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On 3/13/2024 at 11:00 PM, Colu said:

It's highly unlikely that your plants bought in parasites it can happen you wouldn't see any symptoms in two days  it  can take a couple weeks for parasite to get a level were you would see symptoms in your fish other thing can cause flashing such as poor water quality such as ammonia or nitrite cholrine do you use a water dechlorinator when doing water changes low GH or  KH your KH is fine have you added any new fish in last month how you noticed any other symptoms such as rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy spitting food out sunken belly white stringy poop @buildingaqua

I use seachem prime, so the water parameters should be ok. The GH is a little on the harder side tho. I haven’t noticed any other strange behaviors or signs recently that could indicate an illness, just the one weird one. 
I added some cardinal tetras at the same time as the plants, so maybe they could have brought some parasites with them. 

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Could be ich if it is you would want to raise the temperature to 82 that that will spread up the life cycle of the parasite and treat with ick X and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt will add back in essential electrolytes ich can cause flashing as it irritates the Gills you want to treat for three days after you see the last spots @buildingaqua

Edited by Colu
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