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Hole-in-head disease


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My splash tetra seems to have something on it nose. When I first noticed it I immediately thought hole-in-head disease but upon further research I learned that mostly affects cichlids/goldfish.

The spot is only really visible top down. These fish are hard to get a picture of because they hang out under the water lettuce, and only dart out quickly to grab food.

could this just be a scrape? These fish go pretty hard on each other sometimes. Should I treat with paracleanse? This fish was bought from a reputable local fish store 2 weeks ago. I did not preemptively medicate.


It’s in a 10 gallon with a pair of apistogramma panduro and 2 other splash tetra (Copella arnoldi)

ph 7.8


chlorine nitrite ammonia 0

Edited by macdaddy36
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Looking at were the white patch is it's more likely to be caused by an injury could have jumped hit something I would monitor if you notice it develop a fuzzy appearance or Redding to the area i would quarantine and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons and do a course of kanaplex @macdaddy36

Edited by Colu
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