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Best polyfil


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Hi everyone,

I want to try and polish my aquarium water because it has a lot of small particles clouding it up. I would order a Co Op polishing pad, but I don’t want to buy just one thing that’s so small. Has anyone had success with polyfil? I know you don’t want ones with added chemicals, but I was wondering if anyone could share a link or photo of a specific item that they’ve used that was safe for they’re aquarium. 

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I use Polyfil in a couple of my internal filters. 

The first roll I got at Walmart. Worked just fine. The second came from Amazon. It works well, but is more dense, so it clogs a little more. The only leak I’ve ever had from a tank came from this second batch of Polyfil when I first got it. I was using a tiny internal HOB. The Polyfil clogged within 24 hours, and the water went up the pump and over the rim of the tank. Wasn’t fun, but luckily wasn’t a huge mess that ran overnight or something. 

Due to that little accident, I’m less confident to use it in situations where it could clog and water could spill out over the tank. Using the internal filters I now have I do not worry as if it clogs, water can’t escape the tank. I don’t use it in my HOB’s, though. 

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