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Fluffy stringy stuff; fin melt & white pale patches near gills


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Had a cycle going, but after med trio it crashed or stalled. Ammoia daily goes to 0.4 from 0.25 (tap). I noticed the cycle was ruined after ammoia spiked to 1.0 during quarantine with med trio. There haven't been nitrites for a week and half, and nitrates are at apx 2. I've had to do 80% water changes after quarantine to keep it down to 0.25-0.5 ammonia, and before I was doing 50% water changes with meds in it to make up for water changes during quarantine. Around 2nd day of quarantine I noticed a little hat of white string on his head. Touched it and it came off so dismissed any concerns thinking it was film from tank. We switched tanks and heater gave us issues resetting for 2 days so temps dropped drastically to 76 on (75 off) when he was used to 80. Of course it started working suddenly the day the new heater came in. White spot on head returned 2nd day after meds were done during the heating issue, same spot. Tried to get pic but when I took him out with the net it rubbed off again during his flailing. It was small fluffy short string on his head. Now nearing day 14 and his once tail that had new growth, is having some melting issues and at the top section of his tail fin and middle of his tail fin. He has a string attached to his tail fin where melting is happening. He also developed white pale patches on his gills. His appetite is super high still, and he is still super friendly. You can see him looking for food from me in the video. He is still active though a bit slower I feel like than in past. He keeps going to different areas, hangs out for a bit, moves on and repeats.


Any advice on what it could be, what meds to give, should I be worried etc. This happened with my last betta too who eventually had pineconing, but he had other issues too. I was able to treat it with kanaplex and focus, salt baths, and salt in aquarium, but if I lowered salt too much in aquarium it would start to come back. Eventually it came back on Feb 5, 2023 and he died overnight this time (he had it originally back In April 2022 I think). I was worried he got it from the water from my planted tank seeded filter so started a new cycle from scratch for this tub in preparation for this little guy. I had seeded the planted tank filter using my turtle tank (formerly wild turtles kept for years with fish and no basking light in neighbors fish tank until they moved. They wanted to release so we took them in.) The planted tank had issues with slime for a bit, and major issues with algae (black beard in particular since I wanted the other algae to grow. I've only won that battle against it in recent months after several plants died during the battle). Anyways point being I don't want to risk it, but is it worth the risk of putting them in there. The only issue I'm having is KH apx 35 in that tank right now. It was apx 70 before a water change a few days ago, so I have to add more crushed coral in. If it is safe to put him in there, I plan to attempt a community tank as well, so I need to make sure he is healthy first. I'll be getting more spring water this week since last week it helped keep ammonia down to 0.2. Was using prime at first with stress guard daily, but then switched to fritz accr and stress guard daily. Got ammonia filter media though I only have a sponge filter and bubbler. Have had a tub trying to cycle from scratch with fish food (and now Ammonia dosing. It is at 2.0 ammonia, 81°, crushed coral to get pH to 7.4, 2 bubble sponge filters, tons of decor to try to get bacteria to grow on it). Has been set up since the day the cycle crashed in his tub since I know with big water changes I won't be able to cycle.



10 gallons of water though right now I've been doing 12 as of past 3 days.

Crashed cycle medicine tub info:

pH 6

Ammonia 0.4

Nitrites 0

Nitrates 3

KH 20 

GH 100

78° (lowered due to ammonia issues)


I have ich x, maracyn, paraclense, seachem focus, kanaplex, metroplex. 

Couldn't get a still image of the string fuzz and barely got it on camera. The hat fuzz that was there previously was more fuzzy. Tried to include a video that showed most of him. 

Thank you for the help!





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After googling more found a pic that looks somewhat like what was on his head. It was like this but a smaller patch. I would like a second opinion though before I treat. If it forms enough where I can see it on his head again, I'll try to get a picture. Screenshot_20240208_061641_Chrome.jpg.4f4a80af0abcac36ee76e6a4da5f6341.jpg

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What your describing could be over production of the slime coat due to ammonia or it could have a bacterial component what I would do is add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons and add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect and monitor for a week if you notice him getting worse then i would do a course of kanaplex @MidnightBel

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On 2/8/2024 at 9:19 AM, Colu said:

What your describing could be over production of the slime coat due to ammonia or it could have a bacterial component what I would do is add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons and add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect and monitor for a week if you notice him getting worse then i would do a course of kanaplex @MidnightBel

Should I start with one tablespoon per 3 gallons for a few days before increasing to one per 2 gallons? Or just start at the one tablespoon per 2 gallons? I just don't want to add any stress. 


The leaves I have are 6 inches per. Should I still add one per gallon or less? 

Thank you for your help! 

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On 2/8/2024 at 6:38 PM, MidnightBel said:

Should I start with one tablespoon per 3 gallons for a few days before increasing to one per 2 gallons? Or just start at the one tablespoon per 2 gallons? I just don't want to add any stress. 


The leaves I have are 6 inches per. Should I still add one per gallon or less? 

Thank you for your help! 

I would add one leaf per gallon and the salt you can start at 1 table spoon for 3 gallons and gradually increased over a couple of days 

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On 2/8/2024 at 5:33 PM, Colu said:

I would add one leaf per gallon and the salt you can start at 1 table spoon for 3 gallons and gradually increased over a couple of days 

Only had 3 leavea since I couldn't find my other pack. Getting 20 in tomorrow. Should I increase the salt to 2 tablespoons per 3 gallons now? He looks like he has some new fin growth, and I haven't seen the white on him. He flared nonstop at his reflections in 2 sections the first 2 days I put him in. Using paper to try to black out did not help. He calmed down by the 3rd day, so I think he was just on high alert from being in a new place.


Put him in my designated salt treatment tank. I am concerned he developed black around the gills on first day within less than an hour. Also within first day 2 lines on left side (stress marks I think) developed. Should I be worried? 


Sorry for the bad pictures. He didn't want to stay still and just kept begging me for food. Used it to my advantage to snag some pics and videos by making him look at my finger.




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His fins aren't looking to bad in the video I would leave the salt at the level it's at for another week then water change it out and just leave the almond leaves and monitor for the next couple of weeks for any Reddening to the edges of the fins or receding or holes developing in the fins 

Edited by Colu
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Yea after seeing the video again I can clearly see growth on the dorsal fin where he had the most damage. Thank you for the feed back! 


As for a cycle in the tub for filters only, I got something to dose ammonia. Did the dosing according to instructions (for 2ppm) which boosted it to 6-7 ammonia. Nitrites still 0, but nitrates at 3. It was 0 nitrates previously, so that's a good thing I guess? Fingers crossed by the end of the week it will be ready. Added couple gallons to dilute ammonia to around 5-6 so my cycle doesn't stall.

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