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Is this Apisto juvie sick?


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Hi Community,

I’m not sure but wondering if one of my apisto fry is sick? This little apisto trifasciata juvie has been sitting in the hair algae all day. I think it’s a she? Her gills seem swollen - or sticking out’ish - and she’s breathing a little fast? Does the inside of her head seem a little pink too or am I just overthinking?

Posted a video link. I did a big water change and added 2 tsp of salt to the 10 gallon growout tank just in case and wondering if there’s anything to be worried about. The other 3 juveniles seem fine. Any insight us much appreciated!! 🙏🙏🙏


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That doesn't look right it could have injured the he side of its face and you have some localized inflammation or it could be a bacterial infections if you have another tank I would quarantine and do a course of maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline also has anti-inflammatory properties and up the salt to 1 table spoon for 3 @Jaspyjasp

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In my experience, not all fry make it for one reason or another. In nature, predators and competition would quickly remove these from the gene pool. However, it is always prudent to take precautions. 

As @Colu suggested, I would isolate this one out to another tank or container, if you have one available, observe it for a bit and try treatment.

However, more than save this one fry (which is a noble goal), you don't want to risk spreading whatever is going on to the others, if it is something infectious.  Additionally, you might want to make sure that that one fry isn't the proverbial 'canary in a coal mine', indicating water conditions that would eventually cause the other fry to start manifesting problems as well.

On the other hand, this cold just be an injury. I personally find it hard to diagnose fish (I'm sure I'm not alone in this one). 

Sometimes the issue is just an isolated incident manifesting in a weaker specimen; other times, it starts with one fry and, soon afterwards, you start seeing die off. 

Anyway, these are the things that go through my mind whenever I start seeing sick fry. Hoping the best for this little one.


Edited by tolstoy21
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Thank you @Coluand @tolstoy21so much for your insights. Yeah it does look inflamed right? :(((  I know, things like this happen to fry all the time - I only have 4 babies that “made it”, and this one is the biggest and a little piggy. I’ll be sad to lose it…i’ll see if i can find another container . Omg i was trying to downsize tanks 🤣🙈


@Colu - i will try the maracyn2, i have some. I need to get a container. Def something wrong. I threw in some live daphnia it normally goes crazy for and it is not going after them :((( It is a little more active than yesterday, but not eating 😭

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@Colu @tolstoy21 i think the little one is not so good, i found it on its side. Its in a measuring cup right now but yeah…i wonder if clove oil would be the kinder thing to do :(( It’s strange this is happening to the biggest/strongest one - i think it is an injury of some sort in the gill or mouth, it hasn’t opened it’s mouth much at all the last couple days. Sad.

Edited by Jaspyjasp
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On 2/1/2024 at 9:29 PM, Jaspyjasp said:

@Colu @tolstoy21 i think the little one is not so good, i found it on its side. Its in a measuring cup right now but yeah…i wonder if clove oil would be the kinder thing to do :(( It’s strange this is happening to the biggest/strongest one - i think it is an injury of some sort in the gill or mouth, it hasn’t opened it’s mouth much at all the last couple days. Sad.

If it's struggling to swim and on it's side not looking good if you think he's suffering I would euthanize with clove oil 



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On 2/1/2024 at 10:35 PM, Jaspyjasp said:

Than you @Colu ❤️ hopefully the other 3 fry won’t catch what it had. They are half the size and seem to fine so far 🤞

I would  just monitor them very close over the next couple of weeks if you see similar symptoms do a course of maracyn2 

Edited by Colu
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Ok thank u @Colu🙏🙏🙏 You’re so helpful and considerate. I went over to apistogramma.com to ask the same question and it is definitely a different vibe over there 😅🫥 Thank you again and I’ll watch the fry closely , do more water changes just in case.

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