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Blue Rams


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A llittle update on my fish "room"... So about 4-5 days ago, i seperated the rams. I left the dominate ram in the 10 gal and took the other and put her in a 29 gal by herself.  The one i moved was in bad shape but is hanging on and looking better. 2 days ago i moved my albino corys to the 10 gal, and bout 3 hifin zebra danios, which can i say r pretty cool fish. Since i added fish to the 10 gal the ram rly has been acting a lot better, he actually comes to the surface to eat cuz she knws the danios r up there eating. So my 10 gal is in pretty good working order. But i had an epic fail in my new 29 gal tank. I tried to add sand yest b4 i added the fish and i burnt up a filter and created a darn sand storm in the tank. I left the fish floating in the bags 8 hrs while i was at work, and when i got home i hooked up my new filter. After 12 hrs of the filter running i released the fish...i put 3 swordtails, 1 male 2 female and a sunset gourami. The sand is finally almost settled n the fish r able to see and eat. So hopefully after another day of running it will be pretty well cleared. Also added 2 starbai cory to my goldfish tank :)  Next up is a 125 gal for my goldfish




Edited by BIRD0887
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