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Maracyn2 - where to buy?


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Logged on to place an order from some with the Coop, but they aren't selling it.

Maybe it's the continuing supply chain, but I'm having real trouble finding any unless I can wait over a week from a distant LFS or take my chances with a nebulous online reseller on Ebay. The big box pet stores don't carry - not even any of the 1000s of vendors that sell online thru walmart.

The Fritz site was no help. 

I thought having the med trio on hand would be reasonable to stave off a fish med emergency. A week likely means a euthanasia case for me this time - where are folks finding this? Kanaplex proving almost as hard to find.

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On 1/20/2024 at 2:03 AM, Jawjagrrl said:

Logged on to place an order from some with the Coop, but they aren't selling it.

Maybe it's the continuing supply chain, but I'm having real trouble finding any unless I can wait over a week from a distant LFS or take my chances with a nebulous online reseller on Ebay. The big box pet stores don't carry - not even any of the 1000s of vendors that sell online thru walmart.

The Fritz site was no help. 

I thought having the med trio on hand would be reasonable to stave off a fish med emergency. A week likely means a euthanasia case for me this time - where are folks finding this? Kanaplex proving almost as hard to find.

You can get it off of eBay possible Amazon 

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On 1/19/2024 at 9:32 PM, Colu said:

If you can't get maracyn2 in less than a week if your going quarantine I would try and get holed of kanaplex @Jawjagrrl

I found an LFS about an hour away that has the kanaplex and suggested neoplex (sp?) as a companion - sounds like they work together the way maracyn and maracyn 2 can. I'm suspecting a secondary bacterial infection externally now based on how the angel's dorsal and anal fins look. They likely got banged up as he tried to navigate the tank - and I saw a congo tetra grab his dorsal hard enough to pull him by it, so I'm ready to get him out of there today for treatment.

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On 1/20/2024 at 6:01 PM, Jawjagrrl said:

I found an LFS about an hour away that has the kanaplex and suggested neoplex (sp?) as a companion - sounds like they work together the way maracyn and maracyn 2 can. I'm suspecting a secondary bacterial infection externally now based on how the angel's dorsal and anal fins look. They likely got banged up as he tried to navigate the tank - and I saw a congo tetra grab his dorsal hard enough to pull him by it, so I'm ready to get him out of there today for treatment.

I wouldn't use two antibiotic medication at the same time it can be stressful to a fish and most of the time is unnecessary what I usually do is treat with maracyn2 if am not seeing any improvement then I such over to antibiotic medication with different active ingredient such as kanaplex neoplex is good antibiotic treatment for external bacterial infections I would treat with kanaplex you could get neoplex to have it just in case it's needed 

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