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55 Gal Stocking Questions | Pleco or no Pleco?


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On 1/15/2024 at 10:11 PM, Devinl3 said:

Definitely don’t want my plants getting destroyed so I think I’ll stick with one pleco in the tank especially since I’ll have some otos working on the plants and algae too. Hopefully I get lucky with the plant situation!

My dwarf Clown Pleco does not destroy plants and he never digs in the substrate.  But, I was told I could only keep one, as males will fight each other.  I've found no way to determine his/her sex, so I play it safe and they are solitary animals, perfectly happy to be alone.  Unlike many other animals, like Cories, that prefer company of their own kind.

That's just the way my little clowny behaves. 

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On 1/16/2024 at 1:37 PM, Devinl3 said:

Are there are visible signs of the tank being too warm for the fish?

Rapid breathing I think is the biggest one. Sort of "stressed" looking as opposed to comfortable. I've seen a ram I had too cold basically shut down over 3 days and it hardly moved at all. I had no idea what temp they needed, was fine for months and I moved him to the big tank, colder spot of the house and he just didn't make it. Took me a few years to understand why.

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On 1/16/2024 at 3:20 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

There is always a range that is accepted, but that's just the typical sentiment.

I watched Cory's video about heaters.  I have an Eheim 75 watt on my 20 high.  The light rarely comes on as my room is fairly warm.  It seems like a real good quality heater.

I do have a question / concern.  I'm a worry-wart by nature and I'm afraid to get the heater's top and wires under water.  I fear electrocution for me or my fish.  This prevents me from angling the heater so the heat can rise.  Am I nuts?  If the temp is remaining steady, maybe under the water isn't important in my tank.  Just asking!

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On 1/16/2024 at 3:14 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Rapid breathing I think is the biggest one. Sort of "stressed" looking as opposed to comfortable. I've seen a ram I had too cold basically shut down over 3 days and it hardly moved at all. I had no idea what temp they needed, was fine for months and I moved him to the big tank, colder spot of the house and he just didn't make it. Took me a few years to understand why.

Dang that sucks 😕 I'll keep that in mind as I move forward and have doubts on the temp. I'm sure things will be fine as it doesnt seem like the temp will be off any or much hopefully. I'll do a little more research and fine tune the temps as I go.

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On 1/16/2024 at 10:10 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Heaters are designed and manufactured to be completely submerged. Personally, I would be more worried about keeping parts of it above water. 

@FlipperYeah agreed with this. I’d be surprised if there were any non-submersible heaters out there rather than external heaters.

My adjustable  aqueon  heater has a minimum fill line of about an inch below the twist knob and I submerge the whole thing on my 20 tall. No issues at all

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On 1/17/2024 at 8:10 AM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Heaters are designed and manufactured to be completely submerged. Personally, I would be more worried about keeping parts of it above water. 

Depends. Some of my heaters are Tetra brand and they have a sign on them saying its the minimum water level. Ive used them by covering their minimum water level part but the top out ouf the water all the time with no issues. I also tried them fully submerged too but since their setting part is on the top, I find it easier to use the other way

My other heaters are Aquael’s ones, both glass and ultra heater, and they want to be totally submerged if Im not mistaken. Reading the user guide is key here (maybe I should reread too🤣 I use them submerged tho since the first one I got so that must be it… I guess😄🤪)

Edited by Lennie
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On 1/16/2024 at 11:10 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Heaters are designed and manufactured to be completely submerged.

@Devinl3 Well, I said I was a worry-wart by nature.  Now, I feel much better.  I think I'll finally submerge my Eheim heater and try to hide it from view.  I LOVE YOU GUYS.  I couldn't live without this forum.  Thanks everyone ☺️

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On 1/16/2024 at 12:04 PM, Devinl3 said:

Bashful looks super cute! Thats cool that he changes color, I didn't know it would be that noticeable tbh.


See how much yellower he looks here, as compared to when he's on wood or side of the tank?!!


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On 1/16/2024 at 2:30 PM, Flipper said:

I fear electrocution for me or my fish.  This prevents me from angling the heater so the heat can rise.  Am I nuts?  If the temp is remaining steady, maybe under the water isn't important in my tank.  Just asking!

It depends on which model you have.  Some of them it's a good idea to submerge them and they have the min water line indicated on the heater itself for just about all of them.  You want it to say fully submersible, which means that they've supported and sealed the wire assembly in the heater appropriately.

You can see the squiggly "min water line" on the base of the heater where it attaches to the glass as well.


Fully submerge = better heat distribution and you can do water changes without triggering hot/cold spots on the heater.

The actual, proper directions for the heater are....

1.  turn off the heater and let it cool for 30 minutes.
2.  do your water change
3.  let the heater equalize in temp for about 30 minutes.
4.  then you can safely turn it back on.

Many a heater has exploded from being exposed to air or exposed to extreme water shifts.



Edited by nabokovfan87
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On 1/17/2024 at 7:23 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

It depends on which model you have

I have Eheim ThermoControl 75W.  Thanks again for easing my mind.  I'll submerge it tomorrow and I'll know all this in the future. 

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