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Can someone ID what’s on my plant

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Can anyone help me ID whatever this is. It’s primarily only on this plant that is right near my filter. I notice a tiny tiny bit on another plant across from it. I went away for the weekend and when I got back it was there. The plant seems to be doing fine otherwise. 


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On 1/14/2024 at 6:41 PM, Monkeypoint said:

It looks like brown algae, which isn’t really algae. They’re diatoms. Is this a relatively new setup? Diatoms aren’t harmful and after a few water changes they usually go away. 

It is. It’s less than 2 months old. Thank you so much! The plants are the one thing I was pretty confident about when starting all this and if I messed them up I don’t know what I’d do! 

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Was looking at the base of the plant. If it’s white or mostly clear goo, probably a bacterial bloom. Nothing harmful, just looks unsightly. I had this from new mopani wood before. It goes away after a while or you can just siphon it off. 

if it’s a brown slime that seems to cover everything, then brown diatomaceous algae. Which happens to almost every new tank I’ve ever started. I use snails and otocinclus just for that. I would think a bristlenose pleco would work too. Or just time, it runs its course on new tanks and goes away after a while. 

Edited by Tony s
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On 1/14/2024 at 8:22 PM, Kleger86 said:

It is. It’s less than 2 months old. Thank you so much! The plants are the one thing I was pretty confident about when starting all this and if I messed them up I don’t know what I’d do! 

I know the feeling! I got a 15 gallon tank going about a year and a half ago. It looked great for a few weeks. Then I noticed it was developing this fuzzy brown thing. I went away for a long weekend and when I got back, the entire tank was covered in the stuff. So of course, I totally freaked out about it. I did a water change and also picked off as much of it as I could. Then I googled, what is brown growth on plants and learned it was just harmless diatoms. I’d like to say that from then on, I would ask questions first before doing anything to the tank but it took some time and several more freakouts to learn that lesson. 

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