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Betta With Popeye


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Hello, our betta developed popeye after moving into a new aquarium with 1 inch of organic potting soil covered with 2 inches of aquarium sand. This is the only fish in the aquarium.  Previously, we treated a fungal infection with Sulfaplex and moved to Kanaplex, but had no luck curing a white ridge along his tail line that was a result of Ich that we treated with Ich-X last year. The white ridge along the tail line is still visible today though not as white. The tail has never grown back.  Last week,  We were advised to treat with Maracyn 2 for the recent popeye, as directed on the packaging and also add aquarium salt. We do not see any results with Maracyn 2 after 5 days, and the popeye in one eye is still there. Our betta is eating and staying afloat in a floating log. Swimming is an effort. He is eating and his fins are not clamped. We are not sure if he is now blind because he bumps into the side of the tank often.  We have a sponge filter - no carbon. We continued to use this filter and added an air stone during the Maracyn 2 treatment. The water we are using is Fritz Betta Water with almond leaf extract. The temp is 82 degrees. We noticed bubbles coming up through the substrate and they are producing a foul stench. We are wondering what to do next. Remove him in this condition and put him into another tank without this substrate, administer another round of Maracyn 2 or change medications. All advice on this is appreciated. Thank you.

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With Popeye that can be caused by a number of things if it's only effecting one eye it more likely to be caused by an injury I couldn't rule out a bacterial component as you have done a course of maracyn2 and salt what I would do is a keep the aquarium salt at 1 table spoon for 3 gallons for another week that will help to reduce fluid buildup in the eye you could also add some Indian almond along side Fritz betta water I would increase water changes and add some active carbon in case something leeching into the water from your substrate give an update in a week  @Olivenewhope

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@Colu we have completed the 2nd complete dosage of Maracyn 2 but do not see any positive changes in our betta. Popeye remains and what may be dropsy or swim bladder disease. He has swelling and is very lethargic. He stays in the floating betta log all the time and when he swims he is very slow. We changed the water by 50 per cent, added a couple of almond leaves. Also using aquarium salt. And also running a new filter with carbon to clean any potential leeching from the organic substrate. The betta’s appetite is great. We have fed him mushed pea two days now. His feces looks normal . The water temperature is 81 degrees. Water parameters:

Nitrate - 0

Nitrite - 0

GH - 75

Chlorine - 0

KH - 180

PH - 7.8

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.





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On 1/20/2024 at 4:59 PM, Olivenewhope said:

@Colu we have completed the 2nd complete dosage of Maracyn 2 but do not see any positive changes in our betta. Popeye remains and what may be dropsy or swim bladder disease. He has swelling and is very lethargic. He stays in the floating betta log all the time and when he swims he is very slow. We changed the water by 50 per cent, added a couple of almond leaves. Also using aquarium salt. And also running a new filter with carbon to clean any potential leeching from the organic substrate. The betta’s appetite is great. We have fed him mushed pea two days now. His feces looks normal . The water temperature is 81 degrees. Water parameters:

Nitrate - 0

Nitrite - 0

GH - 75

Chlorine - 0

KH - 180

PH - 7.8

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.





Can you post a picture have you notice any pineconing of the scales  or is he just bloated when he swim does he float back up to the surface struggle to get down to the bottom 

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As you have pineconing  that can be caused by a number of things such as internal bacterial infections organ failure parasitic infections. the most effective treatment I have found is a combination of maracyn2 metroplex and aquarium salt what I would do is another course of maracyn2 to dose the tank that will help with any possible internal bacterial infections sometimes it can take two course of treatment back to back and treat with metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks and I would use 1 table spoon for 1 gallon  of aquarium for a week if your not already using that level of aquarium salt will help to reduce fluid buildup and aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes @Olivenewhope


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On 1/20/2024 at 6:49 PM, Colu said:

As you have pineconing  that can be caused by a number of things such as internal bacterial infections organ failure parasitic infections. the most effective treatment I have found is a combination of maracyn2 metroplex and aquarium salt what I would do is another course of maracyn2 to dose the tank that will help with any possible internal bacterial infections sometimes it can take two course of treatment back to back and treat with metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks and I would use 1 table spoon for 1 gallon  of aquarium for a week if your not already using that level of aquarium salt will help to reduce fluid buildup and aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes @Olivenewhope


@Colu we just finished our 2nd back to back treatments of Maracyn 2. We are at your suggested level of salt. So should we just do the Metroplex in food? Thanks 🙏 

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On 1/20/2024 at 11:56 PM, Olivenewhope said:

@Colu we just finished our 2nd back to back treatments of Maracyn 2. We are at your suggested level of salt. So should we just do the Metroplex in food? Thanks 🙏 

As you have done two rounds of maracyn2 what I would do is treat with the metroplex in food and keep the salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for another week then give an update 

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@Colu Hello! I just picked up Metroplex and want to be sure I am using this correctly with either North Fin Betta Bits or Hikari Betta Bio-gold pellets.

The directions for using Metroplex are confusing. Please let me know the ratio of the med to water and how many pellets I can soak to have on hand. Also, is it a good idea to add a little garlic powder to this mix? Thanks!

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@Colu hello!! Good news! Our betta has eaten two rounds of food with Metroplex. But we noticed a white growth forming on his tail ridge. This has come and gone since we’ve had him. Since we are dealing with popeye and maybe swim bladder or dropsy, do you recommend we do anything about this tail rot? Thank you!

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On 1/22/2024 at 11:05 PM, Olivenewhope said:

@Colu hello!! Good news! Our betta has eaten two rounds of food with Metroplex. But we noticed a white growth forming on his tail ridge. This has come and gone since we’ve had him. Since we are dealing with popeye and maybe swim bladder or dropsy, do you recommend we do anything about this tail rot? Thank you!

I would just keep treating with salt and metroplex for now the salt will help with the fin issues 

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On 1/25/2024 at 12:54 AM, Olivenewhope said:

@Coluhello! We are at 7.6 ph for our betta fish tank. Still medicating with Metrolex and aquarium salt in the water. Should we lower this parameter? We don’t to cause any more issues for our fish. Thank you!!!

I wouldn't mess with your pH a stable pH is more important while he's being treated 

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@Colu Hello, we are at the end of the week of treating our betta with metroplex in food. Not much change, though his popeye is looking better. 

He is still very swollen, with pine coning of his scales. He continues to eat well, and swim occasionally. He still spends most of his time in the floating log. We are doing partial water changes every 3 days of 25%. 


Ph = 7.2

Ammonia = 0

Nitrites = 0

Nitrates = 0

water temp = 80 degrees

aquarium salt = 3 ppt


Is there any other treatment to try at this point? Thank you! 

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I would keep treating with metroplex and salt for another week if your not seeing any improvement  after that I would stop the salt and metroplex and give him rest leave it  a week without medication if the pineconing hasn't gone down in the next week the chances of recovering aren't good he could be suffering from kidney failure @Olivenewhope

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