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How Does It Look?

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Hello @RubyFlutes Welcome!

I love the setup you have and I think you're en route to a very fun planted tank.  I am not quite sure, I am just not great with plant names yet, but I think....

You have pearlweed in the back there?  It might do better for you up front as a foreground plant.  You can just trim it and then take the "tops" of the stems and plant those into the substrate.  Your AR in the back is really nice and it will look really beautiful once it fills in for you.   After the stems are rooted and thriving, you can just top them and that should get rid of the sections of bare stocks for you and help it to fill in. 

I did want to ask two questions if I may!
1.  How much substrate do you have in the tank? It looks slightly thin, less than 1" in some places. 
2.  What is that green thing on the sponge filter?  is it part of a moss ball?

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On 1/6/2024 at 8:52 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Hello @RubyFlutes Welcome!

I love the setup you have and I think you're en route to a very fun planted tank.  I am not quite sure, I am just not great with plant names yet, but I think....

You have pearlweed in the back there?  It might do better for you up front as a foreground plant.  You can just trim it and then take the "tops" of the stems and plant those into the substrate.  Your AR in the back is really nice and it will look really beautiful once it fills in for you.   After the stems are rooted and thriving, you can just top them and that should get rid of the sections of bare stocks for you and help it to fill in. 

I did want to ask two questions if I may!
1.  How much substrate do you have in the tank? It looks slightly thin, less than 1" in some places. 
2.  What is that green thing on the sponge filter?  is it part of a moss ball?

That is actually some rotala rotundifolia. I get it confused with pearl weed very often when I see it. But there is about 3/4 inch of substrate. Not perfect but I have grown plants in about that depth before. This is my first attempt at making a planted tank look good instead of just randomly placing plants in a tank. And that is a marimo moss ball that has kind of been ripped open on the sponge filter. Looks a little bit like hair algae in this picture.

On 1/6/2024 at 8:48 PM, Tlindsey said:

If it looks good to you that's all that matters. 😉 

What type of fish do you have in it.

I have two Lumbantobing gobies in there

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