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Not a disease but there’s no pest tab


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So I just found some sort of leaf like creature in my tank? I tried taking pictures but my camera won’t focus on it, but it’s shaped like a leaf. Two pointy ends and fat in the middle, not planaria or leeches as I’ve had those before and know what they look like. I noticed it last night when I went to bed but from afar it looked like a bit of melting plant so I left it for the morning because I planned to clean the tank then anyway. I woke up to it in the same spot today, however it’s obviously some sort of bug. It’s somewhere between clear and milky white in color and hadn’t moved at all. I’m not sure where it came from or if it’s been there for awhile but it’s the only one I’ve seen. This tank normally has two filters going but during cleaning last week I moved the second one up a bit and as a result my fish that swam in that section of the tank started getting sucked in. It hadn’t happened before so it took me awhile to realize they weren’t going back there voluntarily and getting stuck. After that I temporarily removed the filter so that I could find something to cover the intake. I imagine this has caused the oxygen level to drop some and could’ve caused it to come to the top. I also got new plants that I put in over a week ago so it could be from that. I’m not really sure. So, white-ish leaf shaped bug that stuck to the front glass, was really hard to pull off (like it had suction cups), but didn’t move the entire night or when I went to pull it off. Does anyone know what it might be?

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On 12/15/2023 at 10:54 AM, Guppysnail said:

There are many types of planarians. # 1 in the chart seems to reach 1 cm


I don’t know much about each type though 




Also pest id can be put in general discussion or under disease

It didn’t look much like any of the above but it could be some type of planaria. One of the plants I got was one I’ve never had before and it didn’t specify if it was wild farmed or not so it could’ve come from that. I get plants from this store often without any issue so I only bleach dip if I feel like the plant will have unwanted hitchhikers. 

On 12/15/2023 at 10:59 AM, Guppysnail said:

I didn’t even think of this. It’s definitely in the possibility.  Some do stay fairly flat and cream color. 


On 12/15/2023 at 10:57 AM, jwcarlson said:

Might also be a leech, I suppose.  But they're pretty beefy usually.  How "thick" was the creature, @KALgxh?



The leeches I had in the past looked similar to the above but not the thing I found. It was probably as thick as a finger nail. I used tweezers to get it and it was hard to bend.

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On 12/15/2023 at 1:28 PM, TOtrees said:

Do you have snails in the tank? Larger ramshorns or medium-sized mystery snails? 

I have two Japanese trapdoor snails. I’ve had them since they crawled out of their moms shell earlier this year, and they haven’t reached maturity yet but they’re a good size. 

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