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Betta swollen eye


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Hi, I got a koi plakat betta from my local fish store and placed into my 5 gallon tank, all nitrogen levels are 0 (plants) with a ph of 7.8, which houses two platy fry. He was doing great at first and actively flared at his reflection from the background but on the second day he wasn’t interested in food. On the third day, I noticed this white cottony fungus on one of his eye. I first thought it was columnaris but the photos I found on Google were mostly on the back of the fish and not on the eye/s. Does anyone have any idea what it is and how to treat it?

He is now in a 5 gallon hospital bin and being treated with rock salt, kattapa leaves, as well as some Epsom salt.

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Here are some pictures and he is just in the container for the photo, not kept in there.




The kh and gh are both at around 8 degrees. The temperature is kept at around 82 degrees.

The top picture is the infected eye and the bottom one is the normal eye, I think I also saw small amounts of the growth on his lips but might be just his original coloration 

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On 12/10/2023 at 12:23 PM, Fishkeeper1010 said:

The eye seems to be protruding outwards 

Popeye can be caused by an injury to the eye bacterial infection a growth behind the eye  looking at the pictures I would keep treating with aquarium salt that will help reduce fluid buildup in the eye and I would do a course of maracyn2 just in case there's a bacterial component active ingredient minocycline also has anti-inflammatory properties so it should help reduce some of the swelling to the eye

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In my early years of fish keeping also encountered this on a platy fish, but it went away in less than 1 week and I did not have to do any treatment. I’m unsure if it is really Popeyes as it looks different to the pictures on the internet. Thanks for your help and I will  keep treating with aquarium salt.

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On 12/11/2023 at 7:01 AM, Fishkeeper1010 said:

Help!! I just noticed that the skin on his lip has fallen off and a little bit of blood coming out of the area. What happened?

Could be face rot I would start treating straight away with kanaplex or maracyn2 which ever one is more readily available and up the level of salt to 1 table spoon for 1 gallon 

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I did a 50% water change and a close inspection on him, his lips did fall off and has some blood on it, and his eye, was not a popeye after all, but it was a layer of white stuff covering his eye like contact lenses, from front view it is about to fall off, idk if I should gently take it out or wait for it to fall of. Salt is at 1 tablespoon per gallon.

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On 12/18/2023 at 12:54 AM, Fishkeeper1010 said:

Update: the betta is now fully recovered from just clean water, salt and kattapa leaves. Although his eye is still slightly cloudy, he is a lot more active now. He is eating well, flaring, and also built a giant bubble nest.

Good to hear if you do need to treat with antibiotic treatment in the future you can get blue planet aquari-cycline it a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment available in AustraliaScreenshot_20231218-015734.png.b9211c91c9b7212ca40a8cb720a2e30e.png

Edited by Colu
Stupid autocorrect
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