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Everything posted by Fishkeeper1010

  1. I have been keeping betta splendens for at least 6 years I used to breed guppies, platies and have experience in raising baby fish Yes I am very familiar and have done a ton of research into betta breeding, watching a lot of different breeders do it. If you mean maintaining the humidity, yes I do have an idea about it I have a baby brine shrimp hatchery as well as a thriving daphnia culture. I have a spare 20 gallon tank that I intend to use as the grow out.
  2. Hi I have had about 4 breeding attempts now with this pair of bettas and every time they wrap and spawn very quickly but the eggs don’t hatch and get eaten. Is either of the parent infertile or is it a water issue? I have really soft water with pH of 6.5 and no kh with 50 ppm gh. I really want their fry what do I do?
  3. Update: the eggs are still pure white and have no signs of development. I only counted like 10 eggs. Maybe this male is infertile and just doesn’t fertile his eggs. What do you guys think?
  4. Hi, I had another attempt with this pair and this time he hasn’t eaten the eggs! It’s been almost 24 hours. I’ll just see if they hatch.
  5. Wouldn’t that distract him in breeding even more? I do have some platy fry that may work
  6. Hi all, I’ve got into betta breeding and got a pair to breed. I’m successful up until getting the pair to wrap but the male doesn’t pick up the eggs even if he does, he eats the eggs the next day. I’ve done two attempts now and he has done this twice. I’m wondering if the male is infertile. When I put them together they never nipped or chased each other, they flare a bit and went straight to the wrapping process. They were conditioned with a freeze dried bug flake that has 50% protein (made with black soldier fly larvae, crab eggs, shrimp, garlic) The male is 6cm long and is an koi marble plakat. The female is 4cm long and is a pink butterfly halfmoon.
  7. Hi, so I got the female and whenever I show the male the female, they ignore each other. They don’t even flare. What do I do?
  8. I just got a pink butterfly halfmoon female betta. The problem is she is only 3/4 size of the male. I was concerned that she may be too small. She has an egg spot though, meaning she should be matured to breed. Please tell me if that is ok.
  9. Yes, I have a daphnia culture thriving, brine shrimp available to hatch out, a spare 20 gallon tank, with a cycled filter. I don’t have any goals but to raise healthy fry and it’s all about the enjoyment from the experience. I mainly want koi bettas and colourful multi coloured fish. Any idea what a white female will produce?
  10. Hi guys I need suggestions to what kind of betta I should breed with this koi plakat male. Female koi bettas are quite hard to find and I don’t want any cellophanes from the spawn so I was wondering if I could spawn him with just a plain white halfmoon female. I ideally want some koi marbles as well as maybe a couple of fancy bicolour. If I cross a halfmoon with a plakat, ive heard that the offspring will have unbalanced fins, is that true? Any idea what the offspring would look like?
  11. Update: the betta is now fully recovered from just clean water, salt and kattapa leaves. Although his eye is still slightly cloudy, he is a lot more active now. He is eating well, flaring, and also built a giant bubble nest.
  12. I did a 50% water change and a close inspection on him, his lips did fall off and has some blood on it, and his eye, was not a popeye after all, but it was a layer of white stuff covering his eye like contact lenses, from front view it is about to fall off, idk if I should gently take it out or wait for it to fall of. Salt is at 1 tablespoon per gallon.
  13. I live in Australia and none of those are available for me. Will only aquarium salt help him?
  14. Help!! I just noticed that the skin on his lip has fallen off and a little bit of blood coming out of the area. What happened?
  15. In my early years of fish keeping also encountered this on a platy fish, but it went away in less than 1 week and I did not have to do any treatment. I’m unsure if it is really Popeyes as it looks different to the pictures on the internet. Thanks for your help and I will keep treating with aquarium salt.
  16. The eye seems to be protruding outwards
  17. Here are some pictures and he is just in the container for the photo, not kept in there. The kh and gh are both at around 8 degrees. The temperature is kept at around 82 degrees. The top picture is the infected eye and the bottom one is the normal eye, I think I also saw small amounts of the growth on his lips but might be just his original coloration
  18. Hi, I got a koi plakat betta from my local fish store and placed into my 5 gallon tank, all nitrogen levels are 0 (plants) with a ph of 7.8, which houses two platy fry. He was doing great at first and actively flared at his reflection from the background but on the second day he wasn’t interested in food. On the third day, I noticed this white cottony fungus on one of his eye. I first thought it was columnaris but the photos I found on Google were mostly on the back of the fish and not on the eye/s. Does anyone have any idea what it is and how to treat it? He is now in a 5 gallon hospital bin and being treated with rock salt, kattapa leaves, as well as some Epsom salt.
  19. He does look like a koi, but maybe just a marble betta? I don’t actually know😅 He sure is a very pretty fish. Here are more photos of him.
  20. Hi guys I got this plakat betta for only $9 at my local fish store and he is so pretty. I was just wondering is he a koi betta? This kind of betta is worth over $50 at other shops but he was so cheap! His fins are like perfect too where his tail open ups to 180 degrees. I’m thinking of breeding him in the future too!
  21. I’m using a clip desk light at the moment. But what I’m intending to get is a 6w nano light. I feel like lack of nutrients is the main problem as there is zero nitrate in the water.
  22. Hi, thanks for replying! Even though the tank is balanced, I feel like the plants are not doing so well. The hornwort doesn’t look very healthy. I have guppies so ideally I wanted to have a whole tank full of plants which is not happening right now.😅
  23. Just some generic Test strips, I’m sure they do work cause I tested nitrates in my local fish stores water
  24. Thank you for replying, my light is really dim so the hornwort neither grew or died. It looks green but no growth. I will be getting a nano light which is 6w. Is that enough for a five gallon. Also my tank is on the overstocked side and somehow still no nitrates.
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