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Hydra in shrimp tank. Should I be concerned and if so what should i do?


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On 12/22/2023 at 3:03 AM, GoofyGarra said:

should i water change in between doses?




Once you have completed these steps, you can begin the No Planaria treatment process:


1. Dosage: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to determine the correct dosage for your aquarium’s size. Typically, 1 scoop (included in the package) is sufficient for 10-20 gallons of water. If your aquarium is larger, adjust the dosage accordingly.

2. Application: Spread the No Planaria powder evenly across the surface of the water. It will dissolve and disperse throughout the aquarium, targeting the planaria and other nuisance worms.

3. Duration: The recommended treatment duration is 3 days. During this time, you should avoid feeding your fish Your fish can usually tolerate this fasting period without any issues.

4. Observation: Keep an eye on your aquarium’s inhabitants during the treatment process. You should start to see planaria and other nuisance worms dying off within the first 24-48 hours.

5. Post-treatment: After the 3-day treatment, perform a 25% water change to remove any dead planaria and other waste from the aquarium. Replace the activated carbon in your filter and turn your UV sterilizer back on.

6. Maintenance: To prevent future planaria infestations, maintain good water quality by conducting regular water changes, monitoring water parameters, and avoiding overfeeding your fishor shrimp. This will help create an environment that is less conducive to planaria and other pests.


If you have to redose then yes, I would.

I apologize. I had meant to say multiple days, but my brain corrected that to multiple doses.

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On 12/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

It takes multiple days for no planaria to work.

cc @Chick-In-Of-TheSea used it and got rid of some hydra as well.

I used No Planaria in my tank for scutariella japonica and it killed the hydra I had. I would often watch the hydra and NEVER saw them catch or try to catch a shrimplet. The hydra were green, so I believe they were eating algae or catching the Soilent green powder I was feeding.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 3/25/2024 at 11:20 PM, Little Guys said:

I read through the Blogs for AC and found this blog https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/hydra#:~:text=Luckily%2C you can add snails,not eaten by the fry.  I have a hydra and I have a bunch of baby Ramshorn snails so I am not going to worry about it unless it gets bad.

I had hydra in my shrimp tank for like a year. I never saw them snag a shrimplet or a shrimp. They were green and I believe they were eating algae and or the Soilent green Repashy powder I was using in the tank.

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