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Body Rot

Hally M.

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Here’s a Betta I’ve had for around 1 year now. This will be his third and most intense case so far with me. He lives in a 20 gallon long by himself thats heavily planted. Parameters have always been perfect but he still seems to get fin rot every now and than. 

his parameters are 

PH- 7.0

Ammonia- maybe 2 ish ppm my label for this one is a little damaged

nitrite is barely 10 ppm

Nitrate is around 10. 

temperature- 79

His diet throughout the week  is Xtreme betta pellets, hikari betta pellets, bug bite betta pellet and frozen or freeze dried blood ones once a week and every other week a fasting day to just let his digestive system rest. His temperatures never fluctuate, and I’m not really sure why he could be getting sick so often. I wonder if it’s just bad genes. I got him from a Petco down the road and he barely had any fins in the first place because his fin rot was so bad there. 

I have Maracyn however it expired 3 months ago, not sure if I should just dose with salt until I can get my hands on new Meds? 





Edited by Hally M.
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Looking at your water parameters any ammonia is very harmful at 2ppm and nitire of 10ppm that would be the cause of the body rot you want zero ammonia and nitrite  what I would do is test daily and do 50% water change any time you see ammonia or nitrite  add a double dose of seachems prime to help detoxify any ammonia and nitrite till they constantly stay at zero it's a difficult one to treat antibiotic treatment will kill some of your benefial bacterial leading higher ammonia and  nitrite that will prevent him from healing what I would do is add Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties i would add 1 leaf per gallons add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons at that level most plants are fine i would get holed of kanaplex i would start treating once you get your ammonia and nitrite your control or move him to a quarantine tank with some seeded filter media from an established tank @Hally M.

Edited by Colu
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