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My 125gal lighting showdown!


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So in setting up my budget 125 I was going through different light options and thought I'd share my "findings" these are all taken without lids as I haven't made it that far!  I had bought a ACO 30" for a 55tall project that died but figured I'd just find another home for it. Then bought a 14" hygger gooseneck light off Amazon to try that I really really wanted to work from a looks on the tank perspective. But it just doesn't have the brightness I'd like.  So my thinking right now is hygger on each end with the ACO 30 in the middle. Orrrr! Buy the 48" aco light and use the 30 on something else!

Hopefully the pics come in order. 

1. 36" fennix stingray. Always loved these lights but not on this tank at all

2. 30" ACO light.  Really impressed Corey!

3. 14" Hygger by itself 

4. Hygger on the end with ACO in the middle

5. Hygger on the right,  14" beamswork on the left. About the same light just hate the bulkiness

If anyone has  any other ideas feel free, I'd really like to run 2 aco lights but with running the tidal 110 on the right side I lose some mounting options. 






Edited by govsfabshop
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I don't have a good answer.  It kind of depends on the plants and the overall look you are going for.  Having used 3 individual lights in the past, I found that a single light was visually, more appealing in the room.  A darkened area in the aquarium can add some interest.  I think I would be tempted to buy a second 30" light, or the 48" and hold the 30" for your next aquarium. 

If lids aren't part of the plan: A piece of replacement towel rack bar $5.-7. cut to fit will provide support for the legs. I actually use a piece of cut glass to give some protection from the bubbles on the HOB side..

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