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Water change to a tank with a lot of tannins?


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My two-and-a-half week old 20 long is overdue for a water change. The nitrates are low still, but the wood ("Black Forest driftwood" is the label my LFS used) has given off a lot of tannins. While I don't hate the look, it's not quite what I had in mind, and in any case I'm worried about light penetration for the plants.


(I think it's darker in real life than in the photo.)

Anyway, do I have to worry about the new water not having any tannins, provided the other parameters match?


Or can I just make a normal 10% or 20% water change? I have some plant trimming* and planting I'd like to do during the water change, so a larger change would just be a little more convenient for working in the tank.

*Anacharis seems to love my water! How have I never tried that one before?!

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