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Helllo New Fish Keeper here


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I am new to the hobby. (~5 months) I have caught multiple tank syndrome already. Went from a 5 gallon with a Betta to 4 tanks in a short span.  2 20g long, 1 20g high, 1 40 breeder.  I am still working on building out and cycling 2 of the new tanks. For now I have my original Betta (I believe is suffering from something had white puffy lips but now has a gold chin), some cherry shrimp, mystery snails, Japan Blue Endler, Julli Coreys and Clown Plecos.   Thinking of starting a shell dweller colony in one of the new 20g longs. But just enjoying the whole hobby right now.  This hobby has really brought me joy in a time of stress and struggle. I am glad to have found it and Aquarium Co-op. I look forward to being a part of and contributing to this community.

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Congratulations on the new hobby! I have a clown pleco too and they're one of my favorite fish. Shell dwellers are super fun, especially as a breeding project since you can watch the parents raising their babies. Enjoy your tanks and time here.

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Welcome! I'm also new (almost a year into the hobby)! I have heard Shell Dwellers like to altar their terrain though (There is a video Irene (also known as GirlTalksFish on YouTube, posted although I don't remember which one). It was a while back though. Try to find that video and do your research and you'll be fine! Good luck on your Shell Dweller project.

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