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Oak or Indian Almond Leaf Prep


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How do you guys prepare your leaves before putting them in the tank?  I bought some IAL and always have them around.  But I have an unlimited supply of red oak leaves from a trusted yard (my parents).  I gathered a big bag and was going to start putting them in my apisto tanks, but not sure how to prep.  I have always just tossed them in community tanks, but don't want to risk my apistos if there's any appreciable risk. 



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With Catapa leaves I just fill up a container with boiling water and let it soak overnight. I repeated this process daily until there is no longer any film on the surface of the water. About 5-7 days depending on the size of leaves and how many I use. This is probably overkill but I like to be able to see my fish. I've never gathered anything outside for my fishtanks so idk about that. I do boil driftwood and bring water to a boil for rocks and then turn it off and dump them in, essentially pasteurizing them. Maybe not ideal but it is what I have always done. 

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I usually rinse them to remove any debris, then boil for 20 minutes, discard that water, and rinse again. Then depending on how much control I want over the tint, I'll either steep them in some warm dechlorinated water for a bit (to release some tannins, and then I can decide how much of that tinted water to add), or just toss them right into the tank.

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I spray mine with hydrogen peroxide and rinse after waiting a bit. Add them directly to the tank afterwards.


I pour boiled water over them and let them sit in it for some time. They dont release much tannins this way like they do when you boil them

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On 11/5/2023 at 10:12 AM, Kit Craft said:

What exactly do you do with the blackwater tea? I am assuming you don't drink it, lol.

It’s delicious! Totally joking. 

I use it when I do a water change but don’t add any additional botanicals. I like my blackwater tanks dark, so I either keep chucking botanicals in there at every water change, or I dump in some of the tea if I don’t toss in more botanicals. 

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On 11/5/2023 at 3:48 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

It’s delicious! Totally joking. 

I use it when I do a water change but don’t add any additional botanicals. I like my blackwater tanks dark, so I either keep chucking botanicals in there at every water change, or I dump in some of the tea if I don’t toss in more botanicals. 

Ah, cool. I don't really need to. My tanks are tiny, and the driftwood is big in comparison. That plus cones and leaves my water is never clear. If I added extra, I wouldn't be able to see, lol. But, my critters love the botanicals so they stay!

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On 11/5/2023 at 3:06 PM, Kit Craft said:

If I added extra, I wouldn't be able to see, lol.

I have added an internal filter (tiny, cute little one) to the 20 long and a Fluval 107 canister filter to the 29 to clear up all the bits in the water. I want dark water from the tannins, but not cloudy water from the decomposing botanicals. Before I added the internal filter to the 20 long I literally couldn’t see the Pothos roots in the back lol. I’ve learned a lot since March when I started adding botanicals to that tank. 

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My method is to go collect fallen oak leaves from my yard, bring them inside, drop them into a tank and call it a day. I keep a full leaf bag in my garage at all times so I always have some on hand.  The only thing I will do is pick out any undesirables, like pine needles, twigs of unknown origin, or leaves that are obviously not oak.  I also collect the spikey pods from sweet gum trees and liberally use alder cones (I get the alder cones on etsy). I don't boil them or even rinse them, unless they have obvious dirt on them.

Edited by tolstoy21
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On 11/5/2023 at 7:20 PM, tolstoy21 said:

I also collect the spikey pods from sweet gum trees

I’m trying to get my girlfriends brother to collect some and send them to me. I bought some Sweetgum Pods and my girlfriend went, “You know those are all over the yard at the house my dad and brother live in, right?”  

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