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Office Updates

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Been a while since I've been on the forum, just wanted to post some updates of the Fish office and where's its at today if anyone wants to check it out.


The 60G is recovering from a filter failure while I was away on my vacation, thankfully my buddie was able to salvage some it. Lost a lot of the adult Guppies, but enough fry has survived to rebuild. The snail population has exploded though, still working on that. Plants are obviously still going strong, those Sword plants on either side continue to grow into bushes.


The 195G is looking healthy, that java moss on the right is doing really well, I'm pulling most of it out every month with it soon regrowing right after. Still feels a little empty, I think I want to put a school of angels and a few more Congo tetras and rainbow fish in there. The Bolivian Rams are doing really well, had a surprise spawn in the tank, saved as many as I could, must of been 100 fry when I first noticed them, was able to fish out maybe 25 and left rest with the parents with the hope they could protect some of them, that didn't go to well, but the fry I was able to raise myself seem to be growing fine. (Sorry for the bad pictures).



So out of the 4 Celestial rams I acquired I received 1 male and 3 females, after the male paired off with a female, I moved them over to there own tank (was breeding a pair of Apistos in there previously, hence the home made caves). They've spawned unsuccessfully once so far, I'm doing my best to condition them back to spawning health again.


The Gardneri Killi's are also doing well, I've gotten 3 fry from them in the short amount of time I've had them. I know I could really get more fry if I set up a proper breeding tank for them, for now I'm just enjoying there company. That'll be a future endeavor.


Lastly the "Easy Tank" is doing its thing. Was fighting a losing battle with algae until I put the water lettuce in. Really digging the look of the long roots of the floaters. so much so, I've added it to most of the tanks. A school of Rummynose and the 2 other female Rams are calling this one home.

Little update on everything here, love to answer any questions or receive any constructive criticism from anyone that took the time to read this, especially any Ram or Gardneri breeding tips, fry care, best thing to do with all the extra plant growth, or snail removal/management (especially that one).


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