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Centerpiece Fish Advice - 20 gallon


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I’m super undecided on my last fish for my tank(20 gallons). I have 2 honey gouramis, an albino bristlenose pleco, and a yellow mystery snail (if it grows much bigger, I’m not sure what I’ll do). So all yellow fish/crustaceans. Would like either yellow or blue fish.

 I’m considering a couple black/yellow Kuhli loaches, some sort of Molly (wish they had blue), cobra guppy, or sparkling gouramis (if they wouldn’t keep me up at night because it’s in my bedroom). So 4 options and I only want one. I also have a 5 gallon with 3 ember tetras so could move them to my 20 gallon and do guppy tank or nano tank in 5 gallon. Not sure. Looking for a cheap solution to complete it all. 

Big question. I had Kuhli loaches for a short time once and they were CRAZY! Do they calm down after a while or do they always do that at night? My goal in my tank is slower peaceful fish so I really love what I have and want minimal agression. I know all my choices aren’t exactly that. 

Looking forward to your ideas.

Edited by FishRBeautiful
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On 10/15/2023 at 9:07 PM, FishRBeautiful said:

I also have a 5 gallon with 3 ember tetras so could move them to my 20 gallon

You can definitely do this but I would also add to the school. 

On 10/15/2023 at 9:07 PM, FishRBeautiful said:

guppy tank or nano tank in 5 gallon

5 gallons is a bit too small for guppies. They are a very active fish. They also breed very quickly if you include females and if you do males only they require space to increase numbers and deal with aggression. There is other options for 5 gallon like a betta of chili rasbora. 


On 10/15/2023 at 9:07 PM, FishRBeautiful said:

had Kuhli loaches for a short time once and they were CRAZY! Do they calm down after a while or do they always do that at night?

They tend to be crazy mode for several weeks when in a new tank but settle down after that. When they do settle down you may rarely if ever see them unless you have many of them as well as the tank set up to provide hiding places. Even then they tend to be a shy fish. 

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On 10/16/2023 at 2:01 AM, Cinnebuns said:

They tend to be crazy mode for several weeks when in a new tank but settle down after that. When they do settle down you may rarely if ever see them unless you have many of them as well as the tank set up to provide hiding places. Even then they tend to be a shy fish. 

Maybe I’ll do Kuhli loaches then. I wouldn’t have to worry about them bugging/picking on my other fish. How many do you need for them to not be shy? I was thinking to get 2 or 3 but I could get more later if it helps with shyness. Would that work?

My lfs has black but not always yellow/black striped. If I get yellow/black ones and go back for more and they only have black, can you mix them? (The yellow/black ones match my other yellow fish. Sad that matter to me. 😂)

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My sparkling gourami like to croak and chirp at night.

What temperature are you keeping the tank at?Do you have a lid? What do you have for decor/plants?

If you're on the cooler end for the gourami, then you could potentially do a killifish. Like Aphyosemion Australe Gold or Fundulopanchax Gardneri.

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On 10/16/2023 at 12:05 PM, Schuyler said:

My sparkling gourami like to croak and chirp at night.

What temperature are you keeping the tank at?Do you have a lid? What do you have for decor/plants?

If you're on the cooler end for the gourami, then you could potentially do a killifish. Like Aphyosemion Australe Gold or Fundulopanchax Gardneri.


That’s what worries me about the sparklings; I’m a light sleeper. I thought of doing them for the 5 gallon also. Not sure. 
I keep the tank 78-80. My lid has a hole for the HOB filter but it keeps malfunctioning so I bought a sponge filter as backup in case it goes out. The HOB also wakes me up because the water pours all the time. Sponge filters are quiet. 

My concern with killifish is I leave the lid off when I do tank changes and clean outs and stuff. And aren’t they aggressive? I don’t know much about them but they’re cool. 

Or could they go in my 5 gallon? 

Edited by FishRBeautiful
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On 10/16/2023 at 9:50 AM, FishRBeautiful said:

That’s another good idea. They won’t fight? I have probably a male/female pair. If I can find them. Hard to get here. 

I of course can't give you an ironclad guarantee, but it's doubtful.  Honey gouramis (and pearl gouramis) are generally much more peaceful than other gourami species.

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On 10/16/2023 at 10:27 AM, FishRBeautiful said:

My concern with killifish is I leave the lid off when I do tank changes and clean outs and stuff. And aren’t they aggressive? I don’t know much about them but they’re cool. 

Or could they go in my 5 gallon? 

Aphyosemion species are generally peaceful. You'll see Aphyosemion Australe or Aphyosemion striatum mainly. Sadly they're also some of the biggest jumpers.

Fundulopanchax are a little more hit and miss but Gardneri are generally safe.

Higher temps can make them agitated and if other fish out compete them for food which makes them agitated.

A 5 gallon tank would be just fine for them. I know someone who has Fundulopanchax Gresensi in a 5 gallon tank and he said they were breeding like guppies.

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On 10/16/2023 at 12:58 PM, FishRBeautiful said:

I thought of one pearl gourami but I wasn’t sure if it would be too big for a 20 gallon tank. Or if it was too big to live with honeys.

I'd stick with the honeys.  Pearls are one of my favorite fish, but like honeys they seem to do best in groups, and I wouldn't mix gouramis anyway.

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