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Thoughts on my next project


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I’m going to build out a 20g long dwarf cichlid tank. My idea is to use as much existing hardware from previous builds as I can. I want to go with the HTH pool filter sand as a substrate as I have some left over. I like that it’s not super fine and hides detritus well. Filtration will be a Fluval 207 with a spray bar along the back and intake bottom middle. I will have a sponge filter in there somewhere as well.  Lighting will be a 24” ACO light. Heater will be a 100w ACO.   

I was thinking about doing about 4 easy planters for crypts and a few small pieces of drift wood (need to buy this) in the center to stick some java fern and anubias on. Trying to keep it low tech and simple/clean looking.

stocking…this is where I struggle. I know I can do dwarf cichlids and maybe apisto. There is just so much conflicting info out there. I’d also like to keep a small bristle nose in there.


what are your thoughts on a set up like this? What cichlids would you put in there? What would you match them with? 


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A bristlenose with Apisto I do not recommend. It put the bn eyes at risk once the girls have babies. My girls even killed Spixii snails. Nothing is allowed near their babies and the babies spread out a bit to feed on the floor. My one mom since I’ve switched to sand digs a hole and at night gathers her babies in it to sleep. Have a bn clumsily searching for food in the dark scattering babies adds stress to mom. 

I would not do any lower level or micro predator fish with Apisto. Folks I’ve heard have success with small mid to upper level schooling fish. Pencil fish I’ve heard work. 
My Apisto have so much personality I would not want to miss the natural behavior by adding other fish and possibly causing the Apisto to be more reclusive or hidden. 

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This is a no doubt question for me, neolamprologus multifasciatus or also known as multies.  They are the smallest African cichlids and they are shell dwellers.  Fascinating fish, behavior is really interesting and they colony breed.  Pool filter sand and canister filter are perfect for these

Edited by Ben P.
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