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Making a lid for Clown Killifish

Kit Craft

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I have a rimless tank and want to make a lid out of polycarbonate (single wall), so I bought some and clips to get the project started. However, with the clips I will have about an 1/8 inch or 0.3 cm gap around the edge. I have heard read stories of these little fish jumping out through 0.5 cm gaps so I wasn't sure if a lid like this would be tight enough to keep this species. The only other thing I could do is cut the sheet out to fit the top dimensions and overhang it a bit. Then Dremel out spots for the tubing etc. Not sure I want a lid to fit that tight though. 


Anyone experienced with this fish able to chime in? 


Thank you in advance.



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I have had these (adult) fish for two months in a tank where the lid doesn't match for up to 1cm in the side and had no loses.

Granted 99% of my surface is covered with floating plants and i had never seen any attempts of the fish to jump.

What is the tank size and proposed numbers? Males do chase each other vicious sometimes.

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On 10/5/2023 at 2:14 PM, beastie said:

I have had these (adult) fish for two months in a tank where the lid doesn't match for up to 1cm in the side and had no loses.

Granted 99% of my surface is covered with floating plants and i had never seen any attempts of the fish to jump.

What is the tank size and proposed numbers? Males do chase each other vicious sometimes.

Thank you. 

It is a 30c so a 7.1 gallon 12-inch cube.

I was thinking two trios but that isn't set in stone.

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Just a little update. So, I just left the glass lid on and set the ploy lid on top. Works fine. Though, my wife fell in love with the little purple mystery snails and cherry shrimp at the LFS so we might go full invert on this particular tank. 


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