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Deep substrate beds?

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Ive seen people have lots of success with deep substrate in their planted tanks but I don't understand how they work or even the point of deep substrate.

Could someone explain to me how they work and your experience with them because I'm really interested after seeing lots of people with super successful planted tanks using that method.

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Plants with deep substrate have more room to expand their roots. Just like potted plants, aquarium plants can have their roots bound by shallow substrate. 

Yes aquatic plants can absorb nutrients from the water, but some still need to come from the soil. A plant with a strong root system is more likely to succeed long term. 

Also similar to terrestrial plants, aquatic plants can benefit from tunneling insects and fish. That agitate the soil and bring needed nutrients from the surface.


I have my emergent plants now in about 11” of soil. And it took about a year, but they are really starting to take over now. Although my gobies tunneling habits are probably more detrimental than good 😅



Edited by Biotope Biologist
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I've had good luck with them.  I have cattle, so I use a mixture of dry cow manure and dirt for the bottom layer (1" - 1-1/2" deep), capped with 2" of either pool filter sand or well rinsed Black Diamond sandblasting sand, depending on what color I wanted.

Bubbles come up from the substrate for months, but the fish, shrimp, and snails don't seem to mind.

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