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Pale Area On Platy Near Tail?


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I have already been through ich and parasites with these platies and now I'm worried I have something else going on.

There is a younger platy in my 55 gallon tank that has had a small pale area near it's tail, past the dorsal fin, for several months. Early on, as colors were still developing I had assumed it was simply a difference in coloration. However, as the platies have grown to near full size, I am getting a better picture of what is going on.


My fear is columnaris, or something fungal. Some of the scales are paler, some almost white, despite most of the scales being black. Her and her siblings do have a couple of iridescent scales, which is what I thought I was seeing when she was smaller, but looking more closely, the scales look unhealthy. It also appears that maybe a couple of the scales are sticking up at the top of her back? This is a more recent development, I noticed it just this week.

The area hasn't spread on her body or to any of the other fish for months, which is maybe a hopeful sign. But I would like some opinions on what could be causing this.

I tried to get some pictures:


Here you can see the paleness, especially right behind the end of the dorsal fin.


From the ither side, you can see everything past the anal fin is discolored, except for one small black patch in the middle, which is near where the scales are sticking up. It almost looks like bald patches, but I think the scales are still on there.


excuse the algae on the glass in this one, this was taken from one of the glass panels I don't bother scrubbing the algae off of, but I included it because you can sort of see the scales sticking up in this one.


Any ideas?


Edited by Troy328
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On 9/29/2023 at 7:00 PM, Troy328 said:

0ppm Ammonia

0ppm Nitrite

20ppm Nitrate

I have already been through ich and parasites with these platies and now I'm worried I have something else going on.

There is a younger platy in my 55 gallon tank that has had a small pale area near it's tail, past the dorsal fin, for several months. Early on, as colors were still developing I had assumed it was simply a difference in coloration. However, as the platies have grown to near full size, I am getting a better picture of what is going on.


My fear is columnaris, or something fungal. Some of the scales are paler, some almost white, despite most of the scales being black. Her and her siblings do have a couple of iridescent scales, which is what I thought I was seeing when she was smaller, but looking more closely, the scales look unhealthy. It also appears that maybe a couple of the scales are sticking up at the top of her back? This is a more recent development, I noticed it just this week.

The area hasn't spread on her body or to any of the other fish for months, which is maybe a hopeful sign. But I would like some opinions on what could be causing this.

I tried to get some pictures:


Here you can see the paleness, especially right behind the end of the dorsal fin.


From the ither side, you can see everything past the anal fin is discolored, except for one small black patch in the middle, which is near where the scales are sticking up. It almost looks like bald patches, but I think the scales are still on there.


excuse the algae on the glass in this one, this was taken from one of the glass panels I don't bother scrubbing the algae off of, but I included it because you can sort of see the scales sticking up in this one.


Any ideas?


Could be genetic liverbears are prone to tumors  due to low genetic diversity that can start with raised scales  the fact it hasn't spread in the last couple oof months what you could do is quarantine and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons and do a course of maracyn just in case there's a bacterial component given the length of time this has been going that's unlikely @Troy328

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