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Do all bettas jump?


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General question, because I’m pretty new to this.  Until about a week ago, I had my bettas (well, was one betta, but then got another), both female, in uncovered tanks with the water level kept at least 2” below the lip, with floating plants.  I have been seeing a ton of posts on Reddit about bettas jumping out of tanks and dying, and it’s making me paranoid, so now both are covered.  

But, I have never seen my first girl do anything even resembling a jump, and second girl flipped around at the surface exactly once, when first introduced to her tank.  

The unfortunate people on Reddit have stories of bettas getting out through tiny spaces, though, so now I’m side-eying the gaps for cords and such. 

Do all bettas jump?  Is it a male thing and females don’t do it as much?  *How* can a long-finned male get out through a tiny space?

Edited by Epiphanaea
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The simple answer is, yes, all Betta have the ability to jump (I've watched some delightful YouTube videos where owners have taught their female and male Betta to jump out of the water for food-- females jump higher btw) so keeping a lid on a Betta tank is a good precautionary thing to do regardless of how low the waterline is. Here is another thought though and a pro-lid scenario- Betta are air breathers and in order to breathe optimally they need some humidity in their air- this is accomplished by a heated tank with a lid. :classic_biggrin:

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My first female betta jumped out of the finger hole in the lid (used to open the lid) on Thanksgiving day. Thankfully, we were around that day, found her, put her back in her tank, and she lived a long time after that. 

I immediately covered up that hole, lol. Do all bettas jump? Idk, but I was shocked my little lady jumped straight out that hole and I found her on the floor. 

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Most of my beta tanks are uncovered, I’ve only had one Betta jump who was sick and in quarantine. I try to keep the water level 3-4 inches lower than normal and add plants to the top of the tank for done coverage as a deterrent. Bettas will typically only jump to hunt or due to illness/ bad water parameters. You can train them to jump for treats , I’ve had plenty of trained jumpers do fantastic without a lid. It’s always a risk but if you’re home a lot to observe and drop the water it’s typically safe 

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