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Does a varied pH range matter?


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If I do the API test trip my pH reads 7.
If I do the API master freshwater kit for the regular pH the blue matches the highest at 7.6.
When I test for the high pH range I cannot tell the difference between the 7.4 and 7.8.

So it seems my pH range could be anywhere from 7-7.8. That is from my tap which is used for the tank.

Would this variation matter much when selecting fish/invertebrates?

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Most of the testing kits marketed for aquariums are accurate up to a point so it is not surprising that you got a range of results back from your test strips and liquid test kits.

PH anywhere between 6.5-8.0 would be considered common out of the tap in most major cities and 99% of the fish commonly sold in stores will be happy and healthy in that water. A PH between 7-7.8 should not hold you back from keeping pretty much anything you want. Of course, certain species have preferences (for example, mbuna cichlids will appreciate a PH closer to 8 while many Amazonian species will thrive in a PH below 7), but they are still perfectly fine for the most part in anything in that 6.5-8.0 range.

When it comes to PH values, unless you are keeping specialized blackwater or hardwater species, stability is significantly more important than the actual value itself.

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In my view, the titration tests and strips often provide varied readings. This is the place you want to look into if you want to be done with guesswork. But it is costly.

Personally, I would not overthink it unless you really want to make things difficult. Everything depends on where you're at in the hobby, how much you're willing to spend, and what your goals are. For me, I get a varied reading from the tap. But once my water hits 17x different tanks, everything skews anyway. Fish adapt.

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