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Hi! I got this mystery plant earlier this year, it came with my shrimp for them to hold onto during shipping, and I absolutely love it. It's doing great in my tank and I'd love to figure out what it could be. From my own research I'm thinking some species of rotala? It has those flat conical leaves. It was super dark green when it came to me and after planting it became lighter as it got taller, and now its yellow with orange tops.


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@JoeQ Thanks for the pictures! It's definitely what I have. Online pictures were throwing me off because so many have really curly leaves, and mine are barely curly. But my plants match what you posted! I also tried rotala in the past and it just died off. I though stem plants were cursed, but I think it just needed a more seasoned tank perhaps...

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On 9/25/2023 at 4:30 PM, BlackCrappieLover said:

@JoeQ Thanks for the pictures! It's definitely what I have. Online pictures were throwing me off because so many have really curly leaves, and mine are barely curly. But my plants match what you posted! I also tried rotala in the past and it just died off. I though stem plants were cursed, but I think it just needed a more seasoned tank perhaps...

Glad I could help! Technically its rotala "small leaf" macrandra so Im not sure if there are "large leaf" macrandras. As for stems I've never really had problems with them, maybe its my water? It also could be the seasoning of the tank that you mentioned above. One thing that was a game changer was realizing how stems (and other plants) open their leaves at day break and close when they are 'full'. Keep an eye on this, it'll tell you if a plant is getting enough light or too little / too much. I posted an example in my journal.

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