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A reminder of how big common goldfish get


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So, I went to a fish store in another city. Brought some orange rili shrimp and plants for my bettas…but the real crown jewel of the trip were these two common goldies. These were easily the size of my hand. Those are little feeder fish beside them for reference. So, yeah- I’ll just post this as a little reminder of how truly CHUNKY these fish get.


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Common goldfish can reach twelve to eighteen inches in length. The pond supplier (now called Waterford Gardens) in Saddle River NJ sold giant goldfish back in the seventies/eighties. They had some monster sized ones for sale back then. And they were real goldfish and not koi.

The biggest Koi I've heard of was a British one that was over four feet in length and weighed more than ninety pounds. Think of it as a German Shepherd in fish form.

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I have wakin goldfish in a 300 stock tank outdoors and the bigger they get, the larger the insects they eat. Thus far, mosquitos, love bugs, and spiders don’t stand a chance. I’ve seen them leap out of the water to devour said insect. The biggest I have is around 7”, once they hit the 12” mark, I’d expect dragonfly’s to go down with ease. They are my second favorite next to my Flowerhorn. The different personality on each goldfish is pretty remarkable. Although the maintenance is quite in depth, it’s all very worth it. 

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That’s impressive. I’m honestly unsure if the goldies were for sale or were like…store pets? Maybe hand-ins? I can’t see them being kept in bowls at this size, so I bet the store either raised them as a example or someone had to move and couldn’t take these two chunks with them.

Either way, one of the most impressive things I’ve seen in a store for a while now.

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