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Larry…A Before and After


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Hey all,

Just wanted to share a before and after photo of Larry my opaline gourami I got from pet smart (I usually don’t buy from there but I was impulsive😅). This is a before photo at the beginning of July when I first got him.


He was a little beat up when I got him. Also brought ich into the tank and then a bacterial bloom caused a secondary bacterial infection. He was in a tank with guppies but recently I’ve gotten rid of the guppies as there was nipping and aggression going on (plus I want to try some new fish soon anyways). There’s just a couple guppy fry left unless Larry eats them…Anyways it’s been a wild ride. A whole tank rescape, disease, guppy aggression, etc. I also added some smaller Amano shrimp against my better judgement because I thought they were big enough and he ate them…oops…guess I’ll have to order large ones next time. This is him today:

IMG_4364.jpeg.4a7c0fe36f6079b5cd3f945185b3676e.jpegHis fins have grown out and he’s very energetic, curious, and always making bubble nests. He’s definitely living his best life. I’m sure all those tasty Amano shrimp gave him lots of nutrients😅

Eventually I’m going to add either Khuli loaches or corys (haven’t decided yet) and some non aggressive tetras or cherry barbs.

Hopefully Larry will be able to love a long and healthy life 🙂


Edited by Zac
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I love me a story of a healthy gourami!  Looks like you are doing well with him!  I've gotten fish, including gourami, from petsmart before so don't be ashamed!  I will say I don't like that they stock opaline though because most people don't realize how large they will get. Same issue with goldfish and plecos. But you seem to be doing a great job!

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On 8/21/2023 at 7:08 PM, Cinnebuns said:

I love me a story of a healthy gourami!  Looks like you are doing well with him!  I've gotten fish, including gourami, from petsmart before so don't be ashamed!  I will say I don't like that they stock opaline though because most people don't realize how large they will get. Same issue with goldfish and plecos. But you seem to be doing a great job!

Thank you! They do get a little larger (5-6inches from what I understand). That’s another reason I wanted to get rid of the guppies. He’d have more space that way. He’s in a 29 gallon currently with lots of plants. He’s always darting to the front of the tank when I stand up, he’s always exploring, etc. I’m going to limit stocking to make sure he has enough room for himself. 

I’m going to end up getting some sort of bottom dwellers and potentially a small school of peaceful tetras. I’m a little hesitant on the tetras but I’m not too worried about getting bottom feeders since they’ll be out of his way mostly

If I have the space I will probably get a 40 gallon but as long as my current tank is lightly stocked I don’t foresee any issues. Especially if he doesn’t get any bigger than 5inches 

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On 8/21/2023 at 7:14 PM, Zac said:

Thank you! They do get a little larger (5-6inches from what I understand). That’s another reason I wanted to get rid of the guppies. He’d have more space that way. He’s in a 29 gallon currently with lots of plants. He’s always darting to the front of the tank when I stand up, he’s always exploring, etc. I’m going to limit stocking to make sure he has enough room for himself. 

I’m going to end up getting some sort of bottom dwellers and potentially a small school of peaceful tetras. I’m a little hesitant on the tetras but I’m not too worried about getting bottom feeders since they’ll be out of his way mostly

If I have the space I will probably get a 40 gallon but as long as my current tank is lightly stocked I don’t foresee any issues. Especially if he doesn’t get any bigger than 5inches 

Tbh, I do think 29 is small for a three spot. I had one in my 29 for about 2 hours before I realized my mistake and took him back. If it were me, I would get the 40 and put him in it and then play with something else in the 29. 

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