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Posted (edited)

Can you keep a Polar blue parrot cichlid by itself in a 20 gallon with some schooling fish? The tank is fully planted with lots of cover. the Polar blue parrot will have a well balanced diet.

Edited by Flynn Naysmith
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Honestly, I think your fish would be much happier in a 40 breeder or a 55 gal.

A 20 gal is _possible_ while your cichlid is _young_. Long term though, it will stress the fish.

They get large, and may become very aggressive. Keeping other smaller fish is unlikely to work well -- especially in a small 20 gal. Remember the age-old advice about keeping smaller fish with larger ones: "If it CAN fit into its mouth, eventually it WILL go into its mouth." Last month, I watched my largest Discus eat a dozen Cardinal Tetras in front of my face 😳

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I’d say go for it depending on the size of yours, I have 2 that are brothers and had to be split up they’re only 2.5inches each and it’s been 2 years, my boy blue lives in a 20 long with 8 emeber tetras and 2 sword tails he does amazing and knows he’s the star of the tank 

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