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15 gallon tank stocking


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Hi guys, I’m quite new to this hobby so I have a few questions for my tank. I have a 15 gallon tank and I plan to put in 18 chili rasboras, 8 pygmy corydoras and 5 amano shrimps. Would that be too much? Is there space for more? I also have the tank by the window(only space in the house my mom allows me to put a fish tank at) would there be any problems? Thanks!

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On 8/4/2023 at 2:23 AM, Zoyan_zzz said:

I have a 15 gallon tank and I plan to put in 18 chili rasboras, 8 pygmy corydoras and 5 amano shrimps. Would that be too much? Is there space for more?

Is it something like Fluval flex 15g? If so, and it has an built in filter system, considering you adding rocks, driftwood, plants, heather, substrate... they all take from the actualy swimming space of fish. So I would personally consider it like a 10g while stocking that kind of tank.

I would do a bit less amanos, like 2 perhaps. If you plant well, you can probably do okay with other stocking options. They are small fish with small bioload. I personally wouldn't add more except maybe 1-2 nerites when the tank starts to mature a bit, as they are grazers. Or maybe even neocaridinas

I used to keep 6 pygmys for a while and then increased their school to 16, and their behavior changed a lot. There is nothing wrong with the numbers you chose, but I would personally go for 10 pygmy cories and 15 chili rasboras instead. And 2 amanos. I think going from 8 to 10 for a cory school is a better improvement than going from 15 to 18 chili rasboras as they are high in numbers for that tank size as a school anyway in both options.


On 8/4/2023 at 2:23 AM, Zoyan_zzz said:

I also have the tank by the window(only space in the house my mom allows me to put a fish tank at) would there be any problems? Thanks!

I have one tub and one betta tank that are next to windows but not directly in front. I keep that curtain closed all the time.

When sunlight reaches your tank you will be likely to face algae issues and unwanted temperature changes.

Is it possible for you to keep the curtain closed on that window?



Edited by Lennie
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On 8/4/2023 at 7:35 AM, Lennie said:

Is it something like Fluval flex 15g?

No, its just a normal glass tank. Actually a bit bigger than 15g(50x33x34cm if that helps), with an Aquaclear hang on back filter. I do have a thick layer of substrate and quite a bit of plants.


On 8/4/2023 at 7:35 AM, Lennie said:

Is it possible for you to keep the curtain closed on that window?

Im only allowed to close it halfway. Just slightly more than the width of the tank.

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On 8/4/2023 at 7:20 AM, madmark285 said:

If not already done, paint the back of the tank black or get a background to block the sunlight.

Painting the back of the tank black would help from an algae standpoint, but wouldn't that increase the risk of uncontrolled heating from the sun? Because darker colors absorb (and conduct) heat?

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On 8/4/2023 at 10:55 AM, Rube_Goldfish said:

Painting the back of the tank black would help from an algae standpoint, but wouldn't that increase the risk of uncontrolled heating from the sun? Because darker colors absorb (and conduct) heat?

Get a piece of white poster board, cut it to fit, and paint one side black.  Tape it to the tank with the black side facing the tank.

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I tried a bookshelf tank (that Petco used to sell) in a bay window once. I blacked out the backs and sides but it was a nightmare. Algae quickly took over the entire tank and I had to move it. Any chance you can persuade your mother to let you put it somewhere else? Maybe show her this thread?

Also, I agree about bumping up your cory numbers. Their behavior will become even more enjoyable. 

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I would paint back black - I don’t think heat absorption would be affected that much.  Stocking seems ok but would replace pigmy corys with ottos to help with algae and would add a nerite snail.  I would go slow on stocking to let your filter catch up and add chilis last.  Get some fast growing plants to help with algae as well.  

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I love your stocking ideas! I want a huge group of chilis so bad but my my tanks are too small.

I agree with the advice already given; definitely don’t buy all those fish and inverts and add them at once. Start with the animal that’s toughest and make sure your biological filtration (bacteria and plants) are handling the bioload before adding the next group. When I add new fish or inverts to a tank, I test the water daily for a few days to make sure there aren’t toxins building up.  Then I test less often if everything is stable and nobody is showing signs of illness. Once I’m sure the tank is stable with the bioload for a couple of weeks, then I’ll add the next group.

I’ve heard everyone who got sunlight on their tank had nightmare algae issues.  I don’t have personal experience so I’m just spitballing here; Perhaps in addition to posterboard you could add something that insulates/reflects sunlight between the back of the tank and the window. Maybe some styrofoam and a piece of one of those car window reflectors or aluminum foil?

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