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Urgent goldfish advise needed


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Hi, I have a few goldfish in a temporary holding pond whilst I redo their pond. A couple of them are not looking good… one in particular in really not doing well. I have tested the water- ammonia 0, nitrite 0, small trace of nitrate, ph 8, kh 5dkh, Gh 17. 
Goldfish showing red streaks, and white spots on fins, also torn frayed fins. I’ve just brought the one in the worst shape inside and put in QT, with cycled sponge filter going. And have treated with ich X. I also have maracyn and maracyn 2 available. 
Advice would be very much appreciated. 
Thanks in advance. 












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They don't look great looks what I would do is treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons and do a course of maracyn2 leave the salt at that level for a week just remember to put back in what you take out so if you do a 10 gallon water change put 5 table spoons of salt back in to keep the salt at the required level @NickG83

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@Colu thank you for replying so quickly. Should I treat all the fish? I don’t have enough Maracyn2 to treat the whole pond. I could half empty the pond, and then I would almost have enough for a full treatment. I also have a 40 gallon availble but I have 9 goldfish so would that be too small? Not all the fish seem to be affected. Also I can’t add salt to the pond as it’s full of plants. Thank you for helping. 

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On 7/18/2023 at 9:56 PM, NickG83 said:

@Colu thank you for replying so quickly. Should I treat all the fish? I don’t have enough Maracyn2 to treat the whole pond. I could half empty the pond, and then I would almost have enough for a full treatment. I also have a 40 gallon availble but I have 9 goldfish so would that be too small? Not all the fish seem to be affected. Also I can’t add salt to the pond as it’s full of plants. Thank you for helping. 

You could treat with maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days or lower the water level in the pond treat the pond I wouldn't put 9 goldfish in a 40 gallons 


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@Colu ok, so want I’m thinking of doing is removing the plants from the pond. Doing a good size water change (50%). Then I can treat with salt. Then do a 50% water change everyday, redosing half of the salt each day to make up for what has been removed in the water change. Then using the maracyn2 that I have and mixing it into some food. And see where I am in a weeks time. What do you think? Thanks again for all your help. 

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On 7/18/2023 at 10:20 PM, NickG83 said:

@Colu ok, so want I’m thinking of doing is removing the plants from the pond. Doing a good size water change (50%). Then I can treat with salt. Then do a 50% water change everyday, redosing half of the salt each day to make up for what has been removed in the water change. Then using the maracyn2 that I have and mixing it into some food. And see where I am in a weeks time. What do you think? Thanks again for all your help. 

You could do that unless your seeing any ammonia or nitrite I wouldn't do daily 50% water changes that would be stressful on them during treatment i would just do one large water change a week during treatment unless you detect any ammonia or nitrite 

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@Colu ok, so want I’m thinking of doing is removing the plants from the pond. Doing a good size water change (50%). Then I can treat with salt. Then do a 50% water change everyday, redosing half of the salt each day to make up for what has been removed in the water change. Then using the maracyn2 that I have and mixing it into some food. And see where I am in a weeks time. What do you think? Thanks again for all your help. 

@Colu ok thank you, I’ll do that. Thank you for helping. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Colu just wanted to say the fish have all made a full recovery and seem to be doing really well. I’m keeping a close eye on them still but I’m really pleased with how well they’re doing! Thanks again for all your help, your advice definitely saved them! 😊🙏

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