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growth on Bristlenose Pleco and panda cory


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Noticed today that my Pleco has a round growth on it and one of my panda cory's has lost its color. The cory is not acting normal it is swimming in and saw it eat a little bit but not as active as the other day. Any ideas on this? I am thinking fungal but want more opinions before starting treatment.

tank parameters

Ammonia 0

nitrite 0 

nitrate 60

water temp 75

PH 7.6




Edited by tillimon
add ph level
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On 7/10/2023 at 10:38 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

@tillimon welcome.  Is it possible to upload the full size images?  These ones seem to be very small and low resolution.

If the growth is smooth and not "fluffy" like a cotton ball you're likely dealing with a bacterial issue or cyst of some kind.

Here are the pictures direct off of my phone. I can try for better pictures in the morning if need be.




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On 7/10/2023 at 10:43 PM, tillimon said:


I see fin rot here on this corydoras, potentially body rot.

Aeration (air stone) + Aquarium salt (1/3-cup per 10G or 1 TBSP per 2G) and either Kanaplex or Neoplex would be the treatment for this guy.

You'd be treating the tank as much as the fish, just something to keep in mind.  It will very likely take 2 rounds of kanaplex.   Something like Catappa leaves would help as well with any secondary fungal issues if they crop up.



On 7/10/2023 at 10:43 PM, tillimon said:


I will try to find / link a relevant thread for this issue. 


@AllFishNoBrakes had a similar issue with their pleco and may be able to advise as well!

Digging in some of the other threads, it looks like the same dose of salt is recommended for the cyst on the pleco as well.

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