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New endler showing signs of disease after one night


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Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me identify what might be going on with one of my endlers. I brought home two females and a male for my 10g planted tank yesterday. The tank has been up and running for over 6 months and the only other livestock in the tank are some neocaridina, two nerite snails, and a bunch of ramshorn snails.


  • PH: ~7.5
  • GH: ~10
  • Ammonia: 0
  • Nitrite: 0
  • Nitrate: <20
  • Temperature: unheated, but has been between 71 and 73 F since I put them in yesterday

All 3 endlers looked perfectly healthy and happy yesterday. This morning, I can see what looks like a spot/injury on one of the female's mouth, right side of body, and it seems as though the right-side fin is damaged too. The other female and the male still look totally fine.




I have Ich-X on hand, but this doesn't seem like ich to me? But these are the first fish I've kept in a long time so I could be wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

edit: after watching them for a while it seems like the male (which is about half the size of the female in question) might be bothering her. Is it possible these are actually injuries from the male? And if so, why would a male harass one female like that?

Edited by JesseDubs
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It's possible your male is harassing the female what I would do is quarantine and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for a week if you can't quarantine what I would do is a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days just in case there's a bacterial component IMG_20230115_234745.jpg.fd33813781ae341686bba319329b24da.jpg

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@Colu thanks so much for the response. I had never heard of maracyn 2 so I appreciate that suggestion!

Regarding harassment, is that normal for these guys? I thought everything would be fine starting with a 1:2 male:female ratio. Although for what it's worth, they seem much more chill today - the male doesn't seem to be going after her at all anymore.

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On 7/9/2023 at 10:14 PM, JesseDubs said:

@Colu thanks so much for the response. I had never heard of maracyn 2 so I appreciate that suggestion!

Regarding harassment, is that normal for these guys? I thought everything would be fine starting with a 1:2 male:female ratio. Although for what it's worth, they seem much more chill today - the male doesn't seem to be going after her at all anymore.

It can be an issue with livebearers just something to I keep an eye on 

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