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Guppies not active or breeding anymore?

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I'm pretty new to guppies, Ive only had them a like 6 weeks and I was wondering if its normal for them to not move much? because at the beginning they were super active and the male was chasing the females a ton and they were breeding a lot but now they aren't really that active, nothing has changed, the water parameters, the temp, the food, and everything else in the tank is the same what could it be?
and its like this throughout the entire day even when the lights been on for hours, the only time they are active is when I'm doing a water change but then like 30 minutes after I'm done they go back to not moving much.

I have 1 male 3 females and a bunch of fry but they make doesn’t seem interested in breeding anymore.


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Beautiful tank! Love the crypts and Anubias stashed in the rocks. 

I have noticed my endlers and platies have similar behavior when there isn’t much oxygen/water flow, but that is just my experience. This was especially the case when I let my tank get over ran with water lettuce. It has been reported that they can be raised with low to no filtration/flow, but I wonder if that that might have something to do with it. 🤔 


Edited by Root
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On 6/19/2023 at 10:42 AM, Lennie said:

Something seems off. I have 7 guppy tanks and 3 endler tanks. All constantly active nonstop


Just to make sure, is heater okay? Can it be broken? Zapping fish or temp getting low etc?

Yeah I thought that so I switched it with a brand new one I had in storage and they still are acting weird and the old one looked perfectly normal so I’m pretty sure that’s not it

On 6/19/2023 at 10:46 AM, Root said:

Beautiful tank! Love the crypts and Anubias stashed in the rocks. 

I have noticed my endlers and platies have similar behavior when there isn’t much oxygen/water flow, but that is just my experience. This was especially the case when I let my tank get over ran with water lettuce. It has been reported that they can be raised with low to no filtration/flow, but I wonder if that that might have something to do with it. 🤔 


I kinda thought that might be it but I removed a ton of my hornwort and they are still acting weird and I’m running a powerful air pump on my sponge filter with an airstone so I don’t think I have an oxygen or flow problem. 

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On 6/19/2023 at 12:19 PM, TheMosster said:


IDK how big the guppies are, but its possible someone brought them in older, so when you bought them you only had the few weeks to breed them anyway before they started succumbing to their old ages.

They are young guppies, I got them when they were just juveniles and I grew them up to adults and i don’t think it’s age because the fry and younger fish are acting the exact same way 

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On 6/19/2023 at 2:47 PM, Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics said:

They are young guppies, I got them when they were just juveniles and I grew them up to adults and i don’t think it’s age because the fry and younger fish are acting the exact same way 

alright, just checking.


are all the fish acting weirdly or is it just the guppies?


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On 6/19/2023 at 2:53 PM, Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics said:

I only have guppies in the tank and all of them are acting weird but all my other fish in other tanks are acting normal 

alright, have you added anything into the tank recently?

Even your hands after messing with certain chemicals. Its possible there is a case of poisoning happening, that would be untestable. the solution would be running some carbon on your filter  to remove whatever it is, then it should improve itself.

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On 6/19/2023 at 12:56 PM, TheMosster said:

alright, have you added anything into the tank recently?

Even your hands after messing with certain chemicals. Its possible there is a case of poisoning happening, that would be untestable. the solution would be running some carbon on your filter  to remove whatever it is, then it should improve itself.

No nothing that I can think of

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I have never seen anything like that in my guppy tanks, so I’m not surprised you are concerned. Have you tested for ammonia? Since you said water changes are a time when they reactivate briefly, I’m suspicious that your water may have a problem that’s not showing up on test strips, if that’s what you’re using to test parameters.

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On 6/19/2023 at 6:08 PM, PineSong said:

I have never seen anything like that in my guppy tanks, so I’m not surprised you are concerned. Have you tested for ammonia? Since you said water changes are a time when they reactivate briefly, I’m suspicious that your water may have a problem that’s not showing up on test strips, if that’s what you’re using to test parameters.

I’ve tested with a kit and strips and I don’t have any ammonia or nitrite, I added a hob filter with carbon to see if that will remove any impurities from the water but I can’t figure out what’s wrong, I tested my tap wAter straight from the tap and after aerating it for 24 hours and it has no ammonia, nitrite or nitrate and has a ph of 7.6 and a gh of 12 dgh and kh of 8 dgh.

Edited by Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics
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