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60p Betta tank mates recommendations?


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Setting up a new 60p betta tank. I have more filtration than I could ever hit capacity for and its going to be heavily planted, so the stocking is just about species compatibility and physical space. I've already committed to the idea of 4-6 otos and 3-4 corys, as well as, 10 cherry shrimp. Really I'd like a large school of small fish to go with the betta. Maybe chili ras or neon tetras. Any recommendations on species and number?

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On 5/1/2023 at 4:05 PM, RennjiDK said:

Setting up a new 60p betta tank. I have more filtration than I could ever hit capacity for and its going to be heavily planted, so the stocking is just about species compatibility and physical space. I've already committed to the idea of 4-6 otos and 3-4 corys, as well as, 10 cherry shrimp. Really I'd like a large school of small fish to go with the betta. Maybe chili ras or neon tetras. Any recommendations on species and number?

I’d try some mix in plant colors and textures — bright (hygrophilia) and dark (buce, java fern, naba petite) greens… browns (crypt) and reds (tiger lotus)…

Buy a Betta Imbellis:


A school of tiny Green Neons…IMG_1101.jpeg.a5fcc079f8028ac79f56b5cc66b79fa9.jpeg 

And a few Amano Shrimp 



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I would buy a betta you fall in love with . They are literally puppies. Have that bonding moment before you decide to get one.

They are not like any other fish I have in my 4 tanks. Bettas are different. And yes, I already have other fish that  have that puppy like behavior a bit, like rams. 

Cherry shrimp and tankmates seems to be dependent on the temperament  of the betta, but I would suggest avoiding long finned and/or flashy colored tank mates. 

I have black rose neocaridinas in my betta tank on an aquasoil which is quite planted and have shrimp tubes catappa leaf wood pieces etc. They work well together, my betta does not care the shrimp. But the color red blue orange etc would be more attractive I believe. Shrimp are food at the end of the day, no matter what the bettas temperament is. So black colors makes them less jnteresting and gives them much more opportunity to camouflage and hide imo.


If you wanna keep a betta community tank, let other fish to settle in first and try to introduce betta last

And you should have a backup plant just in case anything goes wrong for sure. You never know

Edited by Lennie
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And you probably know that but you will need a lid. My betta jumps on a daily bases, even inside to a HOB due to excitement. It wouldve died numerous times if I didn’t have a lid on top

Edited by Lennie
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