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Unwell goldfish


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Hi all,

I have an unwell goldfish in my 130 litre tank. There are 3 other goldfish and a School of danios in the tank and they are all fine.

Over the past day the unwell goldfish will sit on the bottom of the tank for quite some time. Every now and then she will swim between the bottom to the middle of the tank for a few minutes before sitting down again. The fish will be spending most time hiding in a corner behind some plants, but at times has stopped to sit on the substrate in the middle of the tank. When swimming she is looking for food and is biting on the plants (as normal), but doesn't swim all the way to the surface and appears slower than usual.

I did notice that the fish was suddenly hiding alot after a 30% water change 2 days ago. I thought she was perhaps stressed as I was moving some driftwood to clean and vaccum before doing the water change (she may have been near there but now I'm just guessing). I've attached a picture and my water parameters are as follows (note before the water change Nitrates were 5ppm and all other parameters were the same)

Ph 6.8
Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Temp 17 degrees





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As your water parameters are fine Usually when goldfish slows down like you described I would suspect a bacterial component   I think it would be worthwhile do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days I would quarantine if you can and treat separately  @Eddy_C


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Thanks so much @Colu

Im assuming I can quarantine in a small tank with water from the larger one. Is an airstone generally enough and/or should I use a mini filter (Ilas I have one one hand). I'm also assuming frequent water changes over the 7 day period?


Thank you again, I'll give this a try today

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On 5/2/2023 at 12:16 AM, Eddy_C said:

Thanks so much @Colu

Im assuming I can quarantine in a small tank with water from the larger one. Is an airstone generally enough and/or should I use a mini filter (Ilas I have one one hand). I'm also assuming frequent water changes over the 7 day period?


Thank you again, I'll give this a try today

I would add a filter you could add some cycled media from your main tank as your doing a course of medicated food you can do daily water changes if need just keep a close eye on your water parameters water change as needed 

Edited by Colu
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/1/2023 at 6:47 PM, Colu said:

As your water parameters are fine Usually when goldfish slows down like you described I would suspect a bacterial component   I think it would be worthwhile do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days I would quarantine if you can and treat separately  @Eddy_C




Thank you for helping me as well :) If you are a school student who is concerned about your essay assignments, you can go to this page which will assist you in completing your essay assignments on time and professionally so that you can submit your projects on time. 


Thank you for helping me as well :)

Edited by WalterMay
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