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Unknown Illness affecting my Dalmatian Mollies


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Hello all! My Dalmatian Mollies are sick. I'm not sure of the illness. At first it was white spots (where there weren't any before) then I noticed it was affecting their mouths and fins. I fist thought of ich and treated for that. Then when it affected their mouths I thought it was Columnaris and fin rot. I've treated them with the treatments suggested by Aquarium CoOp. I've done aquarium salt, Maracyn, Ick-x, Paracleanse, and Maracyn 2. I have purchased general cure but don't know if it will help any better than what I've already tried. I've been testing my water and it is with in the normal range. I gravel vac at least once a week.  I've been fighting this illness for a month now. I've had one die and the other 2 are miserable. I can't get really good pictures and they are black and white fish so it is hard to tell. I'm at my wits' end! Any suggestions would be most appreciated. 



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@JeamyeB I think, for a molly, 150 ppm is a little bit soft still as well as they prefer a little higher pH, in my opinion. Maybe try adding crushed coral to harden and buffer the water a little bit. The hardness and pH I don't know if it would cause an illness, but if it is stressing the mollies out then it definitely is a contributing factor. How long have you had the mollies for are they new or have you had them a while with no issues?

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11 hours ago, BNye said:

@JeamyeB I think, for a molly, 150 ppm is a little bit soft still as well as they prefer a little higher pH, in my opinion. Maybe try adding crushed coral to harden and buffer the water a little bit. The hardness and pH I don't know if it would cause an illness, but if it is stressing the mollies out then it definitely is a contributing factor. How long have you had the mollies for are they new or have you had them a while with no issues?

@BNyeMy Mollies have been with me since the spring and only got sick a little over a month ago. My PH has not always been around neutral. However, I began seeing this illness before I started using a new water conditioner that regulates the PH to neutral. I also had 2 Green Corydoras in the same tank. One of them had the symptoms but has recovered.  I will stop using the water conditioner/ ph regulator product in my Mollies tank and certainly get some crushed coral. I'm also starting the General Cure treatment in the hopes that it will help. Thank you for your advice! 

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