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When to introduce Juvies into the Main Tank?

Andrew Puhr

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I have a 75 gallon aquarium of adult Chindongo Saulosi all around the same size (3.5 - 4 inches). I have juveniles in a separate grow out tank. They are currently about 1.5 inches. Is it safe to introduce them into the 75 or should I wait until they are a bit larger? I was planning to redecorate the tank with cichlid caves and additional rock work to provide more hides but I didn't want to spend the time to grow them out if they will be killed right away

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On 3/14/2023 at 2:24 PM, Andrew Puhr said:

I have a 75 gallon aquarium of adult Chindongo Saulosi all around the same size (3.5 - 4 inches). I have juveniles in a separate grow out tank. They are currently about 1.5 inches. Is it safe to introduce them into the 75 or should I wait until they are a bit larger? I was planning to redecorate the tank with cichlid caves and additional rock work to provide more hides but I didn't want to spend the time to grow them out if they will be killed right away

I have a similar question about a Corydoras sterbai juvenile that's also about a third of the length of the biggest fish in the main tank (a male Apistogramma cacatuoides, in my case). And I know exactly what you mean; maybe it's fine, but it's been all this time growing him up that I don't want to throw him into the danger zone, but how do you know? I'll be watching this thread closely! Please let us know whatever you end up doing.

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@Andrew Puhr@Rube_Goldfish

the general rule is if it doesn't fit in a fish's mouth, it should be safe.

however this rule was definitely crafted around community fish, like danios,and cories,and livebearers.

ACs being more aggressive, i dont know how it would play out.

@Andrew Puhri think as long as your tank has plenty of hiding spots, and you make sure the fry get food (simple as sprinkling in a few pellets in the back, a few times a week) you should be good, as long as the abovementioned rule is followed.

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