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Sick guppy! Desperate for help!!


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This all started when my cycle had crashed a few weeks ago and we had an ammonia spike. Although we caught it pretty early and fixed it. About a week later my blue guppy Eden had this pink lump coming from his vent. I knew something was wrong. Talking to my most trusted fish store owner about it, she said it look like a prolapse and only a few hours later the red bump went away. We started him on general cure just to be sure and I picked up Expel P in case I'm dealing with Camallanus worms. And After the treatment was over things were okay and got worse. He isn't eating, his tail is drooping bad and when I got his spine was straight so I dont think it looks like scoliosis, he has hit the bottom a couple times but mostly is up and struggling to swim and is shimmying a bit or shaking. The other 2 fish seem fine and I so far tried one treatment trial of Expel P, but one of these guppies are very special to me and am desperate to fix this problem.

My water parameters at the moment is

Ph: 7.2

Amm: 0

Nitrites: 0

Nitrates: 10

Using Hard water

Temp: 78°F


Please help I want to save them before it's too late!😢😢😢

Here's a posted video of him:


Screenshot_20230224-211608_Video Player.jpg

Edited by QueenNeptune01
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That looks like a prolapse in the bottom picture that can be caused by internal parasites what I would do is treat with Expel p once a week for 4 weeks and black out the tank for 24 HR during in treatment as levamisole is a light sensitive medication add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes to give him more energy at that level it won't harm your plants and I would add an extra air stone if your seeing rapid breathing bent spines in guppies with large tails is not uncommon what is your kH because you can get these symptoms sure to lack of minerals in water with livebearers @QueenNeptune01

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On 3/12/2023 at 1:47 PM, QueenNeptune01 said:

@Colu This tank is at my parents but my tank at home testing KH in our area is usually about 3 degrees.

Your kH is on the low side should be 4-8 GH 6-8 I would definitely add some crushed coral to increase your KH keep treating with Expel p you could add some garlic guard to his food to help simulate his appetite as well update in a week if he get worse before then give us an update 

Edited by Colu
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I have a 20gal long full of guppies. So I'm not dealing with the same volume of water as many. I never hesitate to medicate!  Paraclence/ General Cure, basically the same thing. Expel-P is incredible against those damn redworms!  I have had great results with Prazipro as well ( internal parasites). And Ich-X is just awesome!!   I don't use aquarium salt anymore, because I've got so many plants. When I think it's time to get the meds out, I dont focus so much on water chnges as I do useing carbon in the hang on back filter. 

Good Luck. 🤞

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