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Can lowering water temperature decrease bioload?


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Pretty straightforward, but if I were to run a tank temperature on the lower end of the fish's tolerable spectrum, would this decrease the amount of waste the fish produces compared to a tank on the higher end? I'm thinking because it would slow down the fish's metabolism.

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I wonder how you would test this?   Maybe:

  1.  Do a water change and measure nitrates.
  2.  Wait 1 - 2 weeks and do another water change and measure nitrates.  Note the difference.
  3.  Lower the temperature and repeat.

The problem is getting enough granularity out of whatever nitrate test you're using.   My understanding of water chemistry is pretty basic, so perhaps someone could suggest another parameter to measure?

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I think @TheDojoMojo is correct that lower temps would lower fish metabolism, but I think the bioload would be hard to empirically measure using a water test because presumably lower temperature also affects the rate at which your BB are metabolizing thru the N cycle. Probably the lower metabolism would not dramatically change your water change schedule, but a lower metabolism can reportedly increase fish lifespan as long as it isn't cold enough to add stress.

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