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Is there anything that can be done for this growth?


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I have a male betta fish. I got him when he was small enough to make a Dixie cup look huge.

He has always had this small raised bump on this side. But slowly over the past 6 months it has noticeably gotten more white. It looks as if the scales that used to be there no longer are. The bump has always been growing proportionally to his body growth so assumed it was perhaps a benign tumor growth. 

His behaviour is the same; active swimmer, curious explorer and energetic enough to always pick fights against his nerite roommate. 

In your opinion is this a tumor or an abscess? Because it’s been a bump he’s had for over a year, I thought it was a tumor but because of the white color I’m now wondering if it’s an abscess and if it’s possible to treat


Planted 45 cm, 4 gallon shallow long tank. Temp is 78F. Nitrate ~10-25ppm. (Ammonia Nitrite 0ppm). Hard water. 6.8 pH. He’s a cull from a local crowntail/halfmoon breeder 


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Looks like a tumor they are really common in Bettas due to inbreeding treatment wise theirs no a lot i could suggest if he's eating ok and active and seem happy I would just let him live his life if he gets to the point you think he's suffering I would humanely euthanize him with clove oil @Liddojunior

Edited by Colu
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