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how to catch fry. or: are enders the duckweed of fish?


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So I'm done with enders for a while and gave "all" of them away yesterday.  Of course I check today and I have probably 20 fry I didn't see before.  Any tips on getting them all?  Or am I in a duckweed situation where I'm taking 10 out every month until the end of time?

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You can also put something in that will eat fry. You didn’t mention anything about tank size, but you can go as small as a dwarf cichlids or as large as an angel fish. Either, will snipe all the fry. Other than, you have to dismantle the aquarium to ensure you got them all. Personally, I’ve been able to net out all endlers and fry, but it was only a 10 gallon. Good luck

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On 2/26/2023 at 6:06 PM, CT_ said:

So I'm done with enders for a while and gave "all" of them away yesterday.  Of course I check today and I have probably 20 fry I didn't see before.  Any tips on getting them all?  Or am I in a duckweed situation where I'm taking 10 out every month until the end of time?

i think maybe make a snail trap for them. using some sort of floating structure, where the fry can get in, but the adults cannot. Then add some food for the fry and once they swim in catch them out of there, it would take some work, and a little DIY skills but it might work.

also i can see why @The endler guyhas in his signature "endlers are eternal"

and if that doesnt work, what's the harm in having endlers? if you are doing monster fish or something they'll get eaten, and if down to the single endler is overstocking your tank, something is wrong.

Or set a fine net on the bottom of the tank, the use your hand to chase the fry in.



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