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Aquatic Fern

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Is it Bolbitis? They're also called African Water Fern.

If that's the plant then the care is basically the same for any rhizome type plants. They prefer softer water and high flow.

I have some in my 40 breeder that have been stagnant because I placed them in an area with little flow. They get crazy once they adjust to your tank. I'd put them on the back corners because they can grow quite tall

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On 2/16/2023 at 12:57 PM, knee said:

Is it Bolbitis? They're also called African Water Fern.

It's one of my favorite plants. I dig ferns.

There's "el nino fern" and "African water fern" and both are basically the big box store names for the same thing.

Both are types of bolbitis and one of them (or both) may or may not actually be able to grow submersed.  The confusion always comes from the plant box saying one thing and people having issues with it, then come to find out it's a terrarium plant and not labelled right. Hence.... Same plant under a ton of names.

This one is the one I dig. Screenshot_20230216-142446_1.png.8ca536c351bdbdb6e27cd14a4d62e8fd.png

Here's the other one.


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I have a bolbitis heudelotii.  It's doing well, and I'm a newb!  I like the texture contrast against my anubias and java ferns.  It also has a slight translucentness like subwassertang, it looks kinda seaweedy, if that makes sense.  I have it glued to a rock and last time I moved it around the tank it seemed like the leaves died off, but it grew new leaves quickly- I need to watch it more before I can confirm that observation though.  It's my fastest growing plant for sure, and it's rhizome and roots remind me of java fern.

I also have a mini bolbitis, but the guppies keep nipping at it.  It was beautiful when I got it, but it hasn't returned to its initial glory.  Othere than that it is growing well.

I just very recently got a hygrophilia pinnatifida.  It's not an epiphyte, but it is a water column feeder.  I got it for the "fern" texture.  It's put out new leaves, but that don't mean nothing since it's only been in my tank for 3 weeks.  I'm excited to see what it does!



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