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Not sure the issue.


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So I am having some deaths in my 36g bowfront.  I want to run some meds through the fish to make sure they are healty.  I'm also breaking down the tank, removing substrate and amazon sponge filters, drying it all out, and replacing substrate and using Coop sponges.  I have a 5 g bucket I'm warming up for a qt tank.  My guppies look skinny and never really beef up but I haven't noticed stringy white poop.  I have the trio, which of the 3 should I use?  Or should I just use them all.  The fish are guppies and super red plecos.  I have plenty of other tanks to use the media to jump start the cycle on the redo.  Thanks for your help!

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Id say use all three if you don't have a specific diagnosis of a disease. That being said I would ensure you have removed any other stressors before jumping straight to meds. Make sure you have stable water parameters, temperatures, even try to stabilize physical changes to the tank, etc. 

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Yeah this tank has been running for over a year with stable parameters.  I think I might have introduced parasites from my LFS...it def affects the guppies more than the plecos, but I have been loosing 1 juvi plec ever couple days.

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If your guppies have sunken belly and aren't putting on weight it's more than likely wasting disease I would treat with expel p active ingredient is levamisole once a week for 4 weeks just remember to black out your tank for 24 HR during treatment as levamisole is light sensitive medication and do a thorough gravel vac after each treatment to remove any expelled parasites and eggs from the substrate @Bitty

Edited by Colu
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